Oddly consistent
Oddly consistent
Oddly consistent
If an old farmer says "it hurts a bit" then they're about to die and need an ER
Or if they came in before finishing what they were doing.
Yep lol reminds me of a story my dad told me. He was working on a building and adding the interior siding (it's since been converted into a hog pen) when he smashed his thumb bad with a hammer. He decided that it was a good time to take a quick lunch break after wrapping up his thumb before driving to the hospital
My grandpa, still with us and thinking clearly at 90, grew up working the family farm. Got his hand caught in a combine mangled his hand. They of course had a 45 minute drive to the nearest surgeon, but it "wasn't that bad" until about 20 minutes into the drive.
Dude has outlived cancer, aggressive infections, smoking for 30 years, and the loss of his first wife. Probably the most resilient mofo I know.
A quart of whiskey and 5 minute smoke break, they'll be fine.
Meanwhile the top comment is complaining about how people's pain reactions are gauged differently.
I watched a video of a farmhand getting hit by a field truck and he got up and went back to work. They're built different.
Ah yes. Many years ago before I was born, the guy who my was married to came home and complained about a bit of a painfull back. My mom made him drive to the hospital where he told them what hat happend. They told him to stand completely still and put a neck brace on him and made him sit in a wheelchair where he passed out. When he woke up half his body (left side I think) wa paralyzed.
It turns out he had fall off the roof of a barn and landed flat on his back on the fully extended ladder, breaking his back, and passed out and had lost his memory until he saw his work wan, with his name on it. He had then driven himself back home, before my mom insisted that he needed to go to the hospital, "just to have him checked out".
He still suffers daily from it, but he somehow managed to get full functionally of his body back, but never was able to work full time in trade work.
Long story short, Go. To. The. Hospital!
Your last line there. I get it and I agree, but for a lot of people without insurance it's like having to choose between bodily destruction and financial destruction
I feel so awful some people have to choose. This dude just didn't wanna go. We go socialized health care here rho
only in murica
Yeah I've lived this..
Years ago I had a rash under my arm that wouldn't go away, at first I thought it was just because I had swapped deodorant or I switched back, then I assumed it was now just aggravated because I was spraying stuff on a rash so stopped and was putting cream on it, after about 3-4 weeks it had spread around to my back and the wife saw it when I hopped out of the shower one night and told me to go to the doctor's. I was like yeah guess I should, another week passed and she asked me to meet her at the shops after work, I arrive and she had booked me a doctor's appointment... As soon as I took my shirt off the doctor gasped and said I had to go to ER immediately, I stupidly went home and had a shower first then went to ER, handed them the letter from the Dr and skipped the whole queue, triage nurse is slipping a cannula in and putting me on penicillin while I'm still being checked in.. ended up in hospital for 5 weeks with a severe case of cellulitis so bad they brought the medical students passed me every morning...
Thing is I felt fine the whole time, no pain at all, didn't feel sick and the whole time they're telling me it's life threatening..
Funny... I've been going through a health issue I have been seeing doctors for, but just like you, I basically feel fine. The only time I don't is within a few minutes of getting up in the morning, I dry heave. But once that's over, I'm fine. Except when it comes to food. I don't want to be around food. I don't want to smell it. I don't want it in my mouth. I don't want to chew or swallow it. My doctor described it as being like anorexia except with a physical cause. As a last ditch resort before going to the Mayo Clinic, I got my gallbladder removed after a surgeon saw the results of a scan and gave it a 50/50 chance of working. It may just be working, because I haven't wanted to eat yet, but I've stopped heaving.
So yeah, I'd say 90+% of the time, I feel just fine. No nausea, no pain, no dizziness, nothing. I just can't stand food. It sucks, because I like to eat and I've lost a ton of weight and living on Ensure and Gatorade is a really boring diet, but other than now that I'm recovering from the surgery, I haven't felt sick at all and I haven't since this started (a year in total, this bout of not eating since August).
that sounds terrifying - did they tell you how close you were to being too late?
Honestly wasn't terrifying because I felt fine and no they never told me that just that it was serious. The worst part of the whole experience for me was my are had to be elevated the whole time and that meant every second... I had to walk around with this pole on wheels with a sling to keep it up even in the toilet or shower and even sleeping it had to be straight up
Unless you are either female, a minority, young, or have chronic pain in which case any mention of pain you have, no matter how extreme, is considered a drug seeking attempt.
The ER will diagnose people based on their race, sex, gender, and age before they'll diagnose you based on your symptoms. It doesn't matter how much you are suffering, how much pain you are in, or how close you are to killing yourself because you can't take it anymore. ER doctors have no empathy unless you fit a certain demographic.
As a former heroin addict (clean for a decade at least) I am terrified to be treated that way.
I’ve made it clear to anyone with any decision making ability in my life that unless they say, “he’s dying, there’s no hope.” they are to refuse opioids even if I’m begging and pleading.
Doctors don’t know I feel that strongly about it, but they can pull up my chart and see that I’ve been a junkie in my life. I hate that.
Happened to me when I was 18. I had severe Sun Poisoning (extreme allergic reaction to moderate sunburn) and not only was I inconceivably itchy, the pain I experienced was indescribable. Waves of pain so bad THROUGH MY ENTIRE BODY I could only scream and cry. I was shaking and incoherent. My mom was with me the whole day, and was the one who brought me to the hospital. Of course, with my behavior as extreme as it was, the hospital staff let me suffer very loudly in the emergency waiting room because they thought I was a drug addict. My mom, who has worked as a nurse, spent about an hour chewing people out left and right about the situation. I eventually got treated but that was probably the most traumatic experience I've gone through my whole life
Please don't pull an 'all lives matter' here. Women and minorities are systemically discriminated by the medical system as a whole. Patient outcomes are statistically better if you fit the correct demographic.
My mother in her last months was in terrible pain. She, an elderly white woman in Appalachia could not have her pain properly addressed. I had to threaten her care providers in order for her to have barely adequate pain management. "If you don't see to this right now, I'm going to video her screaming in pain, put your name on it on YouTube and point every media outlet in the tri-state there." It was literally the only thing that worked.
It's not a pact to discriminate, it's that they're a high traffic area that tries to quickly treat people through the path of least resistance.
That's great if you have visible, obvious issues like a missing limb. If you have anything internal though, forget it. The bevy of tests they'll need to determine anything will take multiple days, so as long as you can still walk with assistance they'll do their best to shove you out the door and tell you to schedule an appointment with your doc, regardless of how much pain you're in.
Individuals who are intersectional in groups that are under prioritized for health care have it the absolute worst.
Interestingly I saw one study while pulling this up from 2009 that came to the conclusion that there isn't a major disparity in pain treatment between races and genders, but I think we've learned a great deal about the social determinants of health since then, and these more recent studies and articles show the opposite.
It's less to do with a pact, and more to do with ignorance. Most clinical signs are taught in north America on caucasian skin (though there's a really neat clinical guide put out I think by St George's university in the UK that I highly recommend to all health care providers- it's called mind the gap and it's free afaik). Additionally, cultural and language differences change how people raised in different cultures express pain. Finally, women's health is probably 50 years behind where it should be because any pain to do with female reproductive organs (and by extension abdominal pain) is often written off even when it's debilitating.
Add in those natural unconscious biases we carry as humans and no universal pact needed, discrimination happens anyway even with people who don't realize they are doing it.
You don't think age and sex are medically relevant? A 5 year old will scream about a scratch on their knee, but I'll walk several miles home after making a meat crayon out of myself with my electric longboard and patch myself up.
You speak like someone with no conception of what pain is like outside of your own narrow experiences.
Trust me, lots of us out there would trade being meat crayoned 10 times over to get rid of our painful conditions. You can't compare other people's pain to your own if you haven't experienced what they have. Even then, that's not an excuse to deny people human pain treatment.
The problem here is that doctors would rather let 9 innocent people suffer to punish 1 drug seeker. You can't judge how much pain is in by how someone 'looks'. There is no 'look' to pain, especially in people chronic pain sufferers who have mastered the art of suffering unendingly without writhing on the floor because that's not an option while going out in public.
I have been permanently in pain for 4 years, to the point where I have forgotten what painlessness feels like. Everyday, I wake up to a body that felt like it was sunburned for hours, fell down 3 flights of stairs, and ran 10 miles after. Everything fucking hurts and the smallest bump onto furniture feels like being stabbed with a knife. And yet, I go to the grocery store holding every whimper and tear in because I can't shop if I'm busy writhing in pain. People see me and think I 'look fine' and have no idea the suicidal levels of suffering that come with invisible disabilities. Please don't be one of them.
Hasn’t worked for me. My partner made me go to the ER today. I’ve been completely deaf in my right ear for a month now. They said that wasn’t an emergency and sent me out with a prescription for Flonase. On top of that. After I left I read my paperwork. They wrote down that my blood pressure was 177 over 114. But never said anything about it. That probably should also have been addressed but whatever.
That’s what I get for having no insurance in the US.
Certainly losing your hearing in one ear absolutely sounds like an emergency to me. Going death slowly over time is different.
Go back and tell them you smell burning toast.
Heh, I would, but unfortunately every time I go there and they blow me off they charge me at least a few hundred dollars. Of course I’ll never pay that, but this is why folks don’t go to the emergency room.
Also, I just want to add that this isn’t a small hospital. This is the world famous UAB hospital. You’ve probably never heard of it, but UAB the college and hospital pretty much are Birmingham, Al.
Going death slowly over time is the best case scenario.
Are you in a state with no medicaid?
I live in Alabama. We have Medicaid but at a whopping 14k a year I was told I make too much. I have applied many times. I am also a stay at home parent for a special needs child. But every time it comes back denied.
I went and registered for a charity hospital. The thing they seemed hung up on was how much my rent is. But I’m having to pay $50 a visit to go there. Which is full price.
I don’t know. Honestly, I have come to terms with the fact that I will die relatively young. Lack of medical care is a real thing. Just to be clear. I’m not saying that I am going to do anything to speed up the process on purpose. But I’m an old millennial and my quality of life has plummeted. As I’ve stated in other threads life just isn’t fun anymore.
They probably didn't mention the 177 over 114 because being at the ER is stressful. If you're in there and under 160 they might congratulate you.
Super duper go see an ENT doc. Emergency room really is for emergencies. Mom's been and emergency nurse for decades and hates the system but it is the way it is.
Ask your GP if you have one.
Fortunately the ER got me an appointment to see an ENT Jan 4th. I have to pay $60 up front and hopefully they can bill me the rest.
I kind of feel like this is punching down, when you look at the larger context of how fucked up health care is in the USA.
In the USA, it's only the money that ever counts. Patient care is bottom of the list. One of the first things you see in any hospital ER is that "friendly" person with the rolling computer cart who wants to make sure you have insurance and can pay right fucking now.
The US healthcare system doesn't exist to provide healthcare - it exists to provide profits for shareholders. Any positive health outcomes provided are a fortunate byproduct - they certainly won't be delivered if they're unprofitable.
Of course, the same is true of any product under capitalism, but US health is a stark example.
For the last year, maybe more, I’ve had a pain in my side. I originally thought, “Well, fuck. I’m overdue for kidney stones. I must be a tougher bastard than I thought, because my grandpa and uncle are huge tough men who were reduced to toddlers over this.”
It went away for a couple months and recently came back. It got hard to sit down if I’d been standing and hard to stand if I’d been sitting (but not so hard that I’m crippled or anything). That has changed recently from this dull hollow ache to this kind of sharp pain like something went from swollen to withered. It isn’t something that is putting me out of commission, it just sucks.
On top of that my mouth was hurting every morning, now it’s most of the day. I thought it might be my wisdom tooth, but I should have periods that are pain free. I took antibiotics that my friend was prescribed before she had work done to see if that would help if there was infection. It didn’t.
I’m gonna have to bite the bullet and go to the doctor soon.
If I’m dealing with serious issues, I don’t know if it would be better to kick the bucket and spare my family or deal with the nightmare of bills and travel and loss of my meager income. At least if I die, they can get social security checks to keep them afloat until my lady finds a good man. She’s a spectacular woman and she definitely deserves better than me.
It sucks that our health is a for profit system. It’s hard to trust anyone who is out for money.
I have a friend with ulcerative colitis. Her insurance company didn’t want to pay for the only medicine that has worked for her and now she’s relying on a charity to pay for the meds.
What a fucking joke. I’m almost rebellious enough to get a tattoo that says, “haha, tell the doctors and pharmaceutical companies that they didn’t get shit from from this corpse” and just die and have a shirtless funeral and encourage people to take pictures and post time online.
Any positive health outcomes provided are a fortunate byproduct - they certainly won't be delivered if they're unprofitable.
While the US healthcare system is certainly fucked up, this isn't really true. Emergency rooms are required by law to administer care, regardless of someone's ability to pay, and a lot of hospitals will waive the cost if you apply for financial assistance and have limited income. Granted, they're not going to see you for physical therapy, and other required follow-up care, but they administer unprofitable healthcare all the time. In poorer neighborhoods people use the ER as a primary care facility, since that's the only place they can be seen without money or insurance.
My cousin got a knife in his foot and I helped him out a wrap on it. We played video games until my wife, who is a medical professional, came home. Took one look and said, "Go to Urgent Care."
Honestly it looked fine. But two grown adult men both shrugged.
Yup. Brain cancer most of the time.
Reading these stories here make me glad I'm the kind of person that goes to the doctor the moment I notice something's off.
But the one exception for that was when, for "some reason", for an entire month, I always started feeling fatigued after only being awake for a couple hours. It felt like there was a pressure in my head, and it felt like there was a rubber band around the top of my head (above my forehead). (Some of you probably know where I'm going with this now.) Thinking it was just seasonal allergies or poor sleep (I had a bad habit of "late to bed, early to rise"), I just toughed it out.
It took until my ears started feeling clogged that I realized what was going on. I'd apparently been dealing with a sinus infection for an entire month, and my ears were starting to get infected from it now. I'd never had a sinus infection without having been sick prior to it before. (I tend to get ear and sinus infections after every cold.) So it kinda surprised me, and it's why it didn't even cross my mind until I started feeling the effects of the ear infection. I think I took 2-3 rounds of antibiotics to clear it up, and I also took a round of steroids to immediately open me up and help me drain.
This is sort of similar to how I got diagnosed with IBD. I'd had bleeding for a month in the rear end, nothing big just small bits of blood. Which is a symptom of a flare up. Ibd is basically inflammation of the bowel btw.
Eventually the inflammation got so bad that I ended up with swollen feet and I couldn't walk. The inflammation in the bowel led to an infection in my feet and the first day I had the swelling (I went to bed the night before and woke up with it) I went to A and E (I'm in NI which is part of the UK and so it was the NHS) They sent me home with ibuprofen and told me that my feet were swollen because of something muscular, also told me to use epsom salts in a bath so I bought two big fuck off bags on amazon. The next day my feet got worse so I phoned my GP practice and met with a Dr later in the day and he suspected an illness which largely affects kids, so he sent me to A and E that day to get tests done. Anyway about 6 days later after multiple blood tests, a biopsy and an iron infusion and a transfusion (I had bad anaemia) I was diagnosed with IBD.
I understand. My wife passed in August and each day feels a bit like the definition of insanity, where you keep doing the same thing over but expecting a different result. The best one can hope for is a swift death.
I really sympathize with you. Wishing you all the best.
I don't have the terrifying story a lot of people have here but I can confirm every time my SO has made me go to the ER/Urgent Care, I have returned with weeks worth of painkillers and other drugs to fix the issue.