Heroes of Might and Magic III through the VCMI project
Heroes of Might and Magic III through the VCMI project
I wanted to introduce the kids to Heroes of Might and Magic III so we could play some hot seat when it's raining over the holiday.
I use Mac, but found that there's an open source implementation of the engine called VCMI (https://vcmi.eu) that runs on Mac.
I bought the game for 9 euro on GOG (https://www.gog.com/en/game/heroesofmightandmagic3completeedition).
Downloaded the offline back version and extracted the files using innoextract
(installed with brew install innoextract
) and followed the guide here: https://wiki.vcmi.eu/InstallationonmacOS
It worked! There's also a bunch of mods that's installable through VCMI. For instance one with orchestral music scores by the Heroes Orchestra: https://www.youtube.com/c/HeroesOrchestra?app=desktop