Netflix Presents Surf Dracula, Season 1
Netflix Presents Surf Dracula, Season 1
Netflix Presents Surf Dracula, Season 1
Massive audience success, develops a cult following. Gets immediately canceled.
This is why it took me like 4 tries to actually watch all of Andor. It's like 4 episodes of prologue where nothing much really happens and then the actual story starts in episode 5 lol
Cassian: kills a man in the literal first 5 minutes of the series that triggers a chain reaction that will ultimately lead to the destruction of the biggest massive planet destroyer ever created.
This guy: nothing happened!
The first two episodes do kinda meander. It was so slowly paced they released the entire first arc (three eps) at once rather than make people wait two weeks.
It's 4 episodes of contrived nonsense with almost zero plot or character development for anyone until episode 5 when they actually started telling the story. It took me so many attempts to get through it because I'd keep getting to episode three and realizing that I genuinely didn't care what happens to any of them. They could have easily condensed all of the events of the first four episodes into one episode but it just kept dragging on forever
I mean after that it’s pretty damn slow a while. Also he kills them at the end of episode 1 IIRC
Half the season not wanting the burden of having to surf. Why him? He's just wants to be a regular Dracula. Let someone else have to surf through these adventures!
"Back in the day" The Wire came out. I love that show now, but damn. It was basically my introduction to a "slow burn." The show literally starts with a murder, but it took me like 2 weeks to stay awake through the first episode of season 1. RIP Snot Boogie.
Yeah, it started slow, but the last half of season one was fucking tense. I saw it almost ten years ago, and I haven't gotten to the other seasons yet, because I know I'd have to block off a week on my calendar, and that's not an option right now.
Well I mean. How I Met Your Mother is like a billion seasons long.
I don't even remember who the mother is. Was it Robin?
dragon eggs require a season finale
I feel like a whole generation of writers were told that in medias res was a worn out trope and they all fled to the extreme opposite.