Old Lodge I restored for somebody
Old Lodge I restored for somebody
Old Lodge I restored for somebody
Nice work! Cast iron truly is the opposite of planned obsolescence.
There's a reason they started selling pans where a single scratch makes people replace them...
A lodge would last a century, probably longer unless you stored it in salt water.
Ironically the only reason Lodge can be as big as they are today, is most people don't have a cast iron pan.
I got a big one and a small one. They're awesome and highly recommended, but I'll never ever need to buy from that company again now.
What does that process look like to turn it from that into this
The majority of the black crusty crap on the pan was ages-old layers of carbonized oil. Likely the customer was using a poor oil choice for higher temperature frying and cooking, like EVOO, which would cause more and more layers to build up over time.
I got a large 44gal tote and filled it about to where it could cover the pans, then added sodium hydroxide crystals to it. Exact measurements vary on quantity of water, ambient temperature, length of soaking, etc. NEVER ADD WATER TO SALT, start with water then salt after.
The lye bath got rid of the majority of the gunk, and using a wire scouring wheel on an electric drill (WITH GOGGLES ON) finished the job.
Following this, I seasoned with two layers of homemade ghee.
Not OP but when my pans got shitted up like this by crappy roommates I put the pans in the oven on the clean function. All the crud was carbonized. I then wiped off the ash, seasoned them with shortening, and baked them for a bit. You have to touch up the dry areas for a bit after with more oil but eventually the pan ends up properly seasoned with use
Pro tip: do this in the winter so you don't make your house 100 degrees in the summer
I had a bonfire and it took care of the crust just fine
Especially curious about the initial step of getting rid of all the built-up crud
I'm guessing a lot of wire wheeling to remove the cracked surface, and then reseasoning the entire pan, but idk for sure
First you remove the old seasoning using one of a few methods. That leaves you with bare iron. Then you re-season.
My preferred way to strip a pan of its old seasoning is to heat the pan up to 200F in the oven, then take it outside and spray it with oven cleaner. Then I put it in a trash bag and bring it inside (or leave it outside if it's summer) and let the oven cleaner do its thing. Rinse and repeat until there is no more seasoning. Wear protective equipment, of course.
Other methods include an electrolysis bath, or using the self-clean cycle on your oven (It's possible to damage the pan this way, but chances are it'll be fine).
To re-season, I like to use Crisco.
I do that cycle once a day until the pan looks good. It takes anywhere from 4 to 80 coats. Just kidding about 80, but someone on reddit did that.
The pan will NOT be shiny after seasoning. Seasoning is a permanent layer of polymerized oil. You still need to cook with your favorite cooking oil, which will make the pan shiny.
Washing the pan with soap will leave it looking dull again, because you've washed away the cooking oil. The seasoning will still be intact unless you've destroyed it some other way (tomatoes are acidic and can wear down the seasoning, putting it in the dishwasher will destroy the seasoning, etc.)
Funny, I actually go over the smoke point to polymerize. I use ghee and cook at 525 for 1 hour, repeating the process for additional layers. It makes beautifully smooth and hard finishes.
Literature on the subject has been highly contradictory in my experience. Some argue that the oil or fat should be below smoke point, and others say it should be over. I personally avoid Crisco, vegetable oil and seed oils in my cooking and I extend that to seasoning as well.
Ghee has worked fantastically for me but it's another case of he-said-she-said, with half the internet thinking it is the perfect cooking and seasoning fat, and the other half decrying it for a higher rate of spoiled or rancid seasoning — issues I've personally yet to come across. Everyone's mileage varies so much with cast iron, doesn't it?
I only saw the top half of the pic before scrolling down, and didn’t realize it was just part of a “before and after” comparison. My initial thought was “uh, I’m not going to post any rude comments, but that pan looks like sh… OH WAIT A MINUTE!”
Thanks for the chuckle! I can't imagine how little self awareness or sense of shame I would need to post only the top photo and pretend it was anything more than destined for the trash xD