"Both parties are the same!"
"Both parties are the same!"
"Both parties are the same!"
He studied Lenin’s notes about voting in Russia before the revolution and compares it to today. I get it. I never get to read half the stuff I’d like to. He also spoke on the Upstream podcast if you have time.
The Podcast I can get behind. I'll give that a shot.
Upstream deserves praise. It has some intelligent conversations, not just dictations.
*Currently 32 mins into the 55min episode and liking the format so far.
👍 You clearly think rationally, so if you have any recommendations for reading, YouTube, listening, I would appreciate it. I enjoy learning about how the world works.
You pretty much summed it up. I found it interesting how Nimtz explains it. He parallels how the government in Russia compares to what we’re seeing in America now. Upstream has some elevated conversations. I don’t agree with many, but I appreciate different points of view.