"Both parties are the same!"
"Both parties are the same!"
"Both parties are the same!"
Bold of you to assume everyone shares your values.
Oh no, not MY values. Their OWN values.
Then it seems to me that if their own values are fascistic, you do have to worry about evil.
I think that the majority of people have a fair moral compass or at least feel that they want less Government meddling in their life?
The fact that Republicans are not winning many elections lately suggests otherwise. Most people want things like social security and medicare. Many of us want a stronger IRS to go after tax fraud. Many more of us want universal healthcare. All of that is government "meddling."
Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. Why would you need a stronger IRS if people were allowed to decided where to invest their own money? The return on the money put in to SS is minuscule compare to a standard safe investment. You wouldn't need Universal Healthcare if you could afford things on your own, you could decide on a better insurance, because there would be competition, prices would be driven down and not up. Things only get more expensive when Government gets involved.
Your opinions are noted. However, that doesn't mean most people share your views like you seem to think. Again, if they did, a lot more Republicans would be elected.
Do you have any evidence that people don't know any other options? Could it be that they just don't like the option you like? Not knowing any other options doesn't change the fact that there are only two viable options right now anyway.
And if you don't understand what 'small government' and Republicans have to do with one another, it's weird that you just spouted a bunch of their talking points (like the lie that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme).
(I'm guessing you won't read those links or will dismiss them because they will challenge your Republican talking point.)
Oh, and if universal healthcare is more expensive than our current capitalist insurance-based system, please explain:
I do not believe Republicans want a small Government, maybe that was the original idea, but they have strayed far from it. R's and D's are the same party, just with different talking points. My viewpoints are from a Libertarian standpoint. US spends twice because of the Government involvement. I think it's just really crazy to believe that people would not want control over their own lives and money.
What you do not believe is noted. Feel free to demonstrate that Republicans do not want small government. Also, please provide evidence that the U.S. spends far more than Canada, which has universal healthcare, because of government involvement. You do know Canada's healthcare system is government-run, I take it.
Believe it or not, just declaring things doesn't make them true.