Well its day 0 now since you technically used them in this meme even if it was only the words
So you’re saying the real reason we learn about trigonometry is so we can talk about how pointless and shit it was to learn
So when I type the word "sink" I've used the sin() function?
Yeah you are. You can’t use electricity without it.
TIL I'm an HTML developer because I'm surfing on the internet
The meme said they didn’t use it not that they didn’t apply it.
You use HTML but don't develop in html when surfing web
Basic trigonometry is super useful and not that hard to understand or memorize.
I don't understand, out of all of the things that we teach students in schools, out of all of the things that people don't demand justification for learning, why Maths gets all of the flak. It's the foundation on which the universe exists. If people don't understand that they're not just learning trigonometry "just cuz" then they probably don't have much of a career in STEM planned for themselves. Which is fine, but western society's blindspot for STEM is 100% attributed to the intentional undermining and dumbing-down of the education system.
We regularly don't give students justification for why they learn grammar, biology, chemistry, physics, visual art, and music. But as soon as you show someone a standard polynomial, they lose their fucking minds.
Ah yes, because plumbers, electricians, and brick layers never have to deal with geometry. That being said, none of my geometry education was taught with a practical motivation. But that being said, I was in the advanced track classes, so none of us were becoming professional carpenters. I'm actually probably one of the most "hands-on" people from that class, both in my job and in my life. I build scientific instruments and enjoy fixing things around the house.
I sin everyday.
cos i have to
tan I go to bed
Trig is honestly the math I've used the most since finishing school. But to be fair, that is mostly because it's useful as hell when doing game development as a hobby.
Or building some stairs or really a ton of shit. Basic trig is such a useful thing that it tells me people who complain about it have never built anything, virtual or physical.
as I've said in a different comment , it sucks how little space school gives to recreational usage of the skills we learn . I deeply enjoy recreational linguistics , writing , yet school seldom gave me the tools I find useful , having to find them on my own , despite being thought them previously .
if you were a more interesting person you could make up a use for them
Best take right here. Trig shows up a lot when you actually do stuff. Woodworking, programming, physics, art, music, philosophy. Math shit is universal human language.
You may have used them indirectly in the compression of your image
Fair enough, but did they use it? I always felt like focusing on statistics instead of random trig stuff for non stem people people would be more useful
Sticking with image compression, see Quite Okay Images. It treats each pixel as three numbers and expects mostly small changes. Recent pixels get hashed and can be referenced in a few bits. This is enough to compete with PNG filesizes, an order of magnitude faster, while handling each pixel exactly once.
JPEG uses a lossy form of compression based on the discrete cosine transform (DCT).
Many modern compression schemes are more about signal processing than statistics , especially the lossy ones . IIRC 3blue1brown has a video on image compression if you want to learn about it in a visual way
Alternatively, you could be this guy.
I aspire to be this man when I am that old.
Woah. I was really expecting the "will we ever use this in life"/"you won't but some of the smarter kids might" strip, which is also SMBC.
I like math :) Its mysterious and fascinating and constantly surprising, like seeing the source code of the universe. Closest shit we have to actual magic.
Do I like math? Yes
Do I understand a tiny bit of it? Absolutely not
Me, whose going to start studying EE: 😭
HAHAHAHA GOOD LUCK! I'm in my final year of my EE study and I cannot wait to escape this mental asylum
There is hope for you after the asylum. My daughter has an EE degree. While in school, she would call me every October and tell me how terrible it was and that she wanted to drop out. I would talk her off the ledge, and she got through.
Now she's working, making more money than I do in her early twenties, and she loves loves loves her job.
Keep going!
Luckily I have 6 years of Electronics manufacturing experience, so the math and theory are the things I'll need to learn most of. Unfortunately, those things are the hardest part...
Don't worry.
Trig is not hard ☺️
Compared to what you're also gonna learn 🤣
Signed, An EE graduate from 2016, who now works in embedded fixed point signal processing 😵
One day, while working on a website, I was wondering how to calculate a specific point in a graph. After googling, the answer was by using sine and cosine. Mind blew away, I had always thought I'd never use them.
And guess what? You found it out without having to memorize the process until you knew it by heart.
The reason they drill it in to the extent that they do is so that you have a foundational understanding of the underlying math on which to build new knowledge. If you show up in calc 1 in college without remembering even the basic concepts you were previously taught in things like trig....that can really bite you in the ass. My teacher LOVED pulling out classic substitutions for Secant, Cosecant, and cotangent (No, i didnt outright remember them from Trig, but I had seen them, and that made refreshing much easier). Also these concepts then form the basis of many other fields such as physics (electricity/magnetism, kinetic motion, optics, etc.), chemistry (quantum, MO theory, and things relating to the physics side of why chemistry occurs), and many of the graphing concepts used in engineering/stem only make sense if you have the foundational understanding of what integration/derivation are. Those stem from understanding how to graph complex functions by hand (like we did in trig) so that when you are doing it later with assistance, you still GRASP what is going on.
Yes its not perfect, and yes for people who never need that later in life it can suck. However, I would make the argument it is better to have more of your population educated to a higher standard than what is needed in daily life, than to only give that to those who are aware enough at a young age to actively seek said education
Trigonometry is extremely useful when constructing things. Need to know the length of wood needed to go from corner to corner. That's trig my friend.
Go on...
A2 + B2 = C^2 is known as the Pythagorean theorem. This theorem explains the proportionality of the 3 sides of a right triangle (a triangle with 1 corner angle = 90 degrees). If you know the length of 2 sides (in his example, the wall beams) you can find out the length of the third (in his example, this would be the supporting strut spanning the beams that meet at a 90 degree angle). If their example is explaining a beam that spans the room from 1 corner to the other, you still use this formula as a rectangle is 2 right triangles that meet along their hypotenuse (the longest leg of a right triangle, or the length you are solving for in this problem). The 2 known sides are the length/width of the room, and you solve for the 3rd side, your diagonal beam
Me working on graphics and audio programming all day.
I see you have never built a chicken coop.
I must be missing something in this comment.
Can someone tell me how chicken coops are related to that ?
One common application of trig is figuring out lengths and angles of triangles. Planning on building anything usually involves triangles.
When you're in school you think calculus is the fucking shit, but in the real world you actually use trig way more often.
Oh I am sinning like a motherfucker
Meanwhile, pretty much every object in the room that had to be manufactured with any precision uses trig.
Weird, I use them almost every day doing procedural animation and modeling.
did you know 1209 is a prime number? or maybe not, I'm just a cat :3
TIL cats are really bad at math.
credit: usedsoil on instagram
Use them all the time as a mechanical engineer
I use trig every few years when buying a tv. Tv specs always list diagonal but rarely horizontal and vertical which is needed for knowing how a TV will fit in a space.
I'm trying to figure out how you need trig for that. Just the Pythagorean theorem and ratios seem sufficient to me.
I am trying to figure out why you'd even need that.
The measurements of the product is usually written in the tech spec.
I mean unless you're able to do it in your head in less than a minute, bringing a tape measure would probably be faster and easier.
Or just check the spec on the box/website.
That is just cause you are unemployed.
Your phone relies on trigonometry.
No such luck as a physics prof :/
Having coded a 3D engine: sin and cos are cool. Tan can fuck right off. Atan doubly so.
And radians are the devil's work.
fuck you radians are cool and atan is actually incredibly useful , so much they made atan2
tan is also ok ig
Anything that is "degrees" is the devils work. Radians are so neat and IIRC it makes a lot of trigonometry math easier. Yes, they're a bit weird to get into once one has been indoctrinated to degrees, but (pi/2) radians is just so nice.
Yeah I fuckin' love dealing with transcendental constants and fractions just to describe a right angle. A quarter-circle being one-half just makes so much sense! It's awesome seeing all these mantissa-only numbers, because you can totally tell apart sane results and srand() without doing floating-point math in your head!
SOH-CAH-TOA , mothafucka'!
just remember it with this simple mnemonic:
Some Oranges Have
Curly and Heavy
Toes On Apples
But his arms are making a triangle.
With angles that need to be found...
I use all three every single day as a machinist xD
I misread machinist as masochist at first honestly , though wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't far of
Damn, I've been trying but I keep relapsing
I use almost daily
I.e. day 1209 of not doing anything useful or being a poet. Are you a poet?
Not me. I went years without until last week I realised I needed them for a script that points an object at a target in Maya. Turns out trig is really fucking universal.
This guy.
He's known for a different meme, but he's used in this one and manages to look like he's posing at gunpoint after being told "look casual and not afraid. Now, smile."
The fuck you mean? I sin almost every day
In HS trig class I asked the teacher what was the actual logic behind the tan function, and she said "well it's just programmed into your calculator" and I said I realized that but how did it work, she told me to go ask the AP calc teacher.
CORDIC algorithm
So no one makes little games as a hobby anymore?
I used to, but I don't often find the time these days. Trig for days. Especially given most game input is in (x,y) format from analog sticks or WASD. Gotta turn that into angles! (Not that you need much trig to turn WASD into angles.)
Just don't play Warframe or Path of Exile and you can continue that streak
I use lerp()
and d3.js so I don't have to use any of this shit.
d3.v7.js uses sin cos and tan in total 410 times, thus you are indirectly using trig when using d3.js
Try making something move in a circle
I don't think I've ever used them.