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  • They're not tech people, they're theater people. And they're easily wowed by the big new fancy-smancy tech that is "cutting edge"

    We've seen this before, with George Lucas' special edition Star Wars and the prequels being full of the finest CGI 1999 could offer. It'll probably be a decade or two before this stuff is anywhere close to looking decent.

  • It's just a movie, not a full TV series or whatever. In absolutely certain the original reels or negatives exist to do a real upscale. For most things I'd rather just keep the original home release quality and leaven it as is, or at least DVD quality for most I should say. Horror movies should be vhs quality as well as certain comedies etc. But if you're gonna do it, don't half ass the process. A lot of people worked really fucking hard to make it look how it does and having an AI paint all over it and call it better is crap.

  • To be honest, the second picture dosen't look bad. It had a more modern photography that can hurt the sensibilities of people who remember it with a more hot color temperature, but it also dosen't looks like a TV movie now.