Starting a test where posts from Threads accounts will be available on Mastodon and other services that use the ActivityPub protocol. Making Threads interoperable will give people more choice over how they interact and it will help content reach more people. I'm pretty optimistic about this.
They’re testing read-only access to Thread posts, as far as I can surmise. That’s a far cry from “users on Threads are fully AvtivityPub compliant”. What would really show Meta’s commitment to interoperability would be subscribing to AvtivityPub accounts elsewhere. But of course they want to be the source.
It's not like it's an unknown little upstart. Facebook/Meta have a track record of taking as much from users as possible, and selling it. Some hesitation in giving them more seems prudent.
This is more a question of tolerance. We know Facebook is NOT tolerant of competitors, of the open web, of free software, etc. They cannot survive as a megacorp without a level of assurance and control that they can't have if they're "just another fediserver". They WILL try to wrangle control. They WILL try to eat us all up. Why let the fox in the henhouse when you already know it's a fox?
Unironically this; open web standards giving users freedom to decide who they interact with, as opposed to a closed service where the only choice is to like it or leave.
Some or all of the servers you've tried may have them blocked. There's a lot of them that signed the Fedipact promising to do so a while back when they first started talking about doing this.
Or, it may just be that the servers you're searching with/on just haven't properly loaded it yet. I can't currently remember the actual terms for it, because my brain is super-dookie (and I apologize,) so hopefully that makes enough sense 😅
I haven't tried to find it myself, but I've seen other people say they were able to find it from their Mastodon servers, so who knows!
Also it could just be their own bugs or other fuckery, especially since they're only just starting to test it out in the wild. Could be a mix of things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It could be a benefit to have people be further aware of the Fediverse being a better way than Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit and any other modern Social Media.
I don't think they would do it if they expected that would be the outcome, that's my scepticism. I think the more likely outcome is that it will turn in to Fediverse by Meta™ in people's minds.