chimchila pluralization (not to be confused with the warp incident)
chimchila pluralization (not to be confused with the warp incident)
(kirby and the forgotten land postgame, kirby's house)
Elfilin: "My power to create vortices isn't very strong, but I can open one to Planet Popstar anytime."
(zoom in on "vortices")
why say "vortexes" like a normal person when you can instead use the cooler plural that's consistent with "vertices", "matrices", and "indices" (among other words)? (for the record, wiktionary lists both words as plurals of "vortex".)
here's the "slightly higher effort meme" that i promised. it actually took a stupidly long time to make because of various technical difficulties. again, not an expert meme maker. not yet.
made with oajoo image editor
image screenshotted from this youtube video