The ad aside, I just don't understand the appeal of paying $3,000 for a handbag when a $20 handbag will can do just the same thing. The only thing I can think of is people think they look cool or rich or better if they have a Prada handbag, but frankly, who gives a shit what kind of bag someone has? And second of all, if I saw you with one I wouldn't think you are cool at all. I would think you're the dumbest person alive.
So, where does body positivity start and stop? It seems silly to say one extreme is acceptable but the other isn’t.
Now, I worry body positivity, in general, encourages people to ignore the need to make life style changes for their own personal health, but also, maybe, if it’s not my body, it’s none of my fucking business.
Body image issues aside, I just could not imagine going through life with so little upper and lower body strength. Just seems so impractical and inconvenient to choose to be this way.
I still don't understand who these ads are targeted at. The model is well past looks-attractive skinny and into to looks-unhealthy skinny. Does that make someone want to buy an expensive purse?
Hope there is a double cheeseburger in that this a starving child in Africa or something? I'll fuck with em on a big Mac combo, poor lil fella 😔