venture capitalism goes brrr
venture capitalism goes brrr
venture capitalism goes brrr
It really isnt bad? Like easier navigation on a phone is always a welcome change.
Dms take a couple extra taps, and I wish we had the option still to swipe right to quickly see who is online.
But the search menu is VASTLY improved, and I like the design in general. I’m hoping we get a few tweaks and then it will be perfect
The new swiping behavior is grinding my gears as well. With so many options for it in the settings, I'm surprised they didn't just have the people in channel list as an option. I'm also not a big fan of the private message section, but it doesn't bother me nearly as much. Overall a nice update though.
the not seeing folks online is super annoying
i also dislike change but thats a me thing probably
I don't mind the redesign but I've been noticing more fps lag than usual. Hope it's something they can fix with a later update.
Imagine the earth does an update and swaps the US and Australia for "easier navigation". Would you be happy?
Can someone Photoshop this to say Microsoft because that's exactly how I feel at work.
I gotchu
I prefer it TBH. things are easier to reach and suit a phone better than what was essentially the desktop app squeezed onto a phone.
How dare you have a positive opinion! /s
I disagree with you and dislike the change but I can eat the same thing every meal for a month. Probably not the best person to judge changes.
One of the biggest issues for me is that you can’t use ‘in:#channel’ anymore in searches for some inexplicable reason. But only on the mobile app — it works fine on desktop! If you could do that it would be fine.
there are now two different search buttons, very intuitive i know, one is channel specific - the one you see when you're chatting in a channel (basically a pre-set in:channel for dumb people), and a universal server wide one that's at the very top of the channel list, you can still od in:channel in there, but by default it searches all channels
at least i hope that's the case, if it's not i'll riot
things are easier to reach
what exactly has become easier to reach?
Lemmy's biggest competitor at this point isn't reddit, it's Discord, or rather, the monster it has become. It seems to me that instead of creating a subreddit nowadays, every project now wants to use a Discord server for everything.
The problem with that is:
So why do people insist on using Discord servers to build their community? Simple, it's the network effect. If somebody wants tech support, it's way easier to click a Discord invite on an account for group chat you already have than it is to sign up for yet another forum that you only use once. But Lemmy doesn't suffer from that problem of traditional forums because of federation.
Which brings me to my point, if Lemmy is to grow, it's better to sell Lemmy to disgruntled Discord admins and forum owners to move their community than it is to get people to move off reddit at this point, since people who wants to leave reddit has all done so at this point.
Discord sucks, but I've actually had a 100% successful help rate on it vs Reddit or Lemmy.
Typically Discord servers have specific tech support rooms, and you'll get help pretty quickly. Only once I have had to ask my question a second time, because it was missed the first time.
Meanwhile Reddit threads just get downvoted, buried, and you're never helped. Even when I try to search for threads that other people have posted, 90% of threads are just blank.
Lemmy is the worst. Doesn't matter what you need, they'll just call you stupid and tell you to use Linux and FOSS alternative, ignoring the fact you NEED to use what you're asking help with.
A forum should work in tandem with a chatroom in an "ideal" online community, imo. Searchable Q&A with a communication for additional, nuanced interaction. They serve different purposes and can be more powerful when used together, than they could be on their own.
Lemmy does seem to have a bunch of old, crotchety internet nerds on here that like the "old ways" of the webs. But just tell 'em to "go fuck yourself", if they're being a dick; and than don't reply to them again. It's very freeing. They're just butt sensitive about linux and foss, cause they were bullied on early internet forums and now act the same way, when expressing their loud-ass opinions. It's like an unfortunate cycle of abuse that has existed on forums, but don't let it discourage you from asking anyway... the question might help others
I'm a crotchety old internet nerd... tell me to "go fuck myself", just for funsies! It's empowering!
And also... fuck you buddy, get good!
I feel like Discord fills a different need than forum type systems.
The one API I have on discord, likes Discord as a place for casual chat about the system. I think the devs prefer it because it is an active place for the community; to word it better, 'hey look at this cool thing I did' > response within a few minutes 'that's cool' heart5 *fire*3 thumbs up^7. Whereas on a forum you'd be waiting for hours, or just not have that casual of a conversation.
It replaces the old usage of IRC servers.
The help channel is highly responsive, and great for things you want a quick chat about, need a response now, or if you get help now great, but if not, you'll figure it out on your own before you would ever get help on a forum, so it's not worth posting to a forum.
Threads really do help organize when a discussion is going to be large, and discord is very much searchable, just not from your browser search engine.
For changes to the API, ideas, issues, or bugs, they direct you to github "Discussions" or "Issues". They do have an idea discord channel, but it's a more casual thing, or far out there discussions.
Discord does get a lot of hate for it's searchability, which is valid, but I don't have a problem with it as long as places like Stack Overflow (or what replaces it) are still around.
Maybe you just identified the need for an activity pub fediverse project specific to dev support/communities for tech projects.
Discord is the same problem for the internet as the Facebook grups were. Its hermetic, the info stays there, its hard to search thus the same problem is being asked over and over. StackOverflow and Reddit strength is that's they are indexed and easy accessed
Discord is really bad for preservation of information. I can still find forum posts from 10 years ago on a given topic all over, but discord links seem to expire and break all the damn time and it's hard to search through. It sucks that discord has become the defacto choice for user community space.
Lenny does part of this yes. Fediverse is the bigger ticket item. From a single account I can federate to different networks and post questions or have other interactions in different formats.
Was I the only one that didn't like having personal chats in the same place as servers?
This seems like a huge UI improvement tbh, and I've been using Discord for years on mobile and desktop.
The discord UI has always been confusing hot garbage. If they've done anything to address that then weeee!
They essentially took notifications/settings from the bottom corner and the personal chat section and just made a four panel bottom menu with individual icons for each. They're simple in aesthetic but fairly clear, in my opinion.
So it goes as follows.
Servers -> Private Chat -> Notifications -> Settings/Account
Otherwise it's the same as far as I can tell, really. I can still swipe to go back in servers, etc.
It's a departure from the desktop UI and it made the whole thing much clunkier.
I will be fair, moving the button to the bottom row is more convenient if you have a lot of servers to scroll up through and use the DMs a lot, I don't care about that as much.
What I do care about is how the rest of it changed. Can't just quickly swipe into the DM list and back any more, if you exit the DM that's it, you gotta click on it again.
Switching between DMs and servers is more clunky, a bunch of UI I was actively using is broken up. They broke the search function, and the new way to check channel participants (click on the title) is uncomfortable as hell compared to old "just swipe to the right".
Personally I hate the new UX even if some bits are an improvement. It's just too much stuff to change all at once and not for the better.
I just hate that I can't swipe to easily to get to servers from messages anymore. You still can but it takes a second to load now after swiping and it's not as consistent to get it to do it.
Edit: Also removing the member list for a server being on the right when you swipe is annoying too.
Yeah I think this is a huge improvement to the app tbh
yeah much easier to reach.
the new ui is buggy but that's obviously not intentional
I used the beta UI for a while and imo the new one is worse since it brings backs some of the old UI (i.e. the 1:1 port of the desktop UI for the server sidebar). What they had in the beta UI for server selection was so much better
the drawer was pretty convinient but didn't work with server folders that well..
also the fullscreen channel list didn't look good.
the current "new" ui is a nice middle ground
To everyone complaining about the updates; it's likely that after a week or so you will just get used to the new layout and won't even think about it anymore.
Personally, I have no issues with the update. Took about 5 mins to understand the changes move on. I also welcome the true black theme. Will save a decent amount of battery on my phone.
I heavily disagree with you. People who get annoyed by certain ui changes always will, I still hate YouTube's new layout multiple years later.
I was in this same boat until I realized I can't send images from mobile right now and looking around for others talking about it, there were complaints that images they sent were sent to the wrong people or chats. If true, that's insanely incompetent for a business or their size.
Oh shit I was just fighting this I didn't even bother googling it tho cause I just thought discord was being jank for me Not it being a everyone problem
Kindof shows how common this is for me lmao
Knowing how their desktop app works on Linux (or more specifically doesn't and requires you to mingle with it if you want any degree of Wayland awareness) it doesn't surprise me their app remake (because it's not just a redesign) is total garbage. I hope they get around to fixing the performance and bugs; but as things are right now I'm staying on Vendetta and refuse to update.
Go figure
Any recommendations that already have good size populations and work across multiple devices?
Getting people off Skype was a big ordeal. Let alone Discord.
I don't agree. Really nice improvement imo. But I get it, change is hard.
Just wish I could swap back
Personally hate the change to the swipe. I get that on some huge servers people probably use the "reply" feature a lot, but I definitely don't have so much use for it as to give up the nice, coherent and logical UX of "channel/server list is on the left, user list is on the right, just swipe to them".
IMO, swiping should be for navigating UI, not interacting with individual items. Now there's a useless thing on the swipe and I have to reach to the top of the screen if I want to check who's online and in the channel. Annoying.
That and the new DM screen doesn't use swipe right as navigation, it's just a "back" button now. Can't quickly look at the DM list and go back to your conversation by swiping right-left any more. Literal lazy design because this is an easier way to program that interaction.
Don't care super much about the DM button moving, it's more convenient to access but breaks the UI paradigm. Shrug.
Oh, and the "midnight" theme is not new, you could use it for years now in the old versions.
You hate the swipe to reply feature because you find it incoherent.
I hate it because I used to stim around with it.
We’re not the same. :P
Oh I absolutely used to stim with it :D
My fingers do random swipes all the time, so it's annoying.
The new update is way better than the previous one.
The new update doesn't care about people with accessibility concerns. My fiancé can't use the official app at all because they changed the contrast to make it impossible to read no matter the theme. The best they can do is 3-5 minutes looking at the official app before they get a headache and have to stop using their phone.
This update is actively harming its users with no options to undo it.
I was not aware of this, I hope they improve the accessibility asap!
I think it's just different. Not incredibly better but not worse. People hate change.
I really like the update 🤷♂️
member list swipe being missing is a problem
not being able to swipe from dm to dm list is a problem
performance is a MUCH BIGGER problem than either of these, my galaxy s9+ should NOT be on its knees begging for for forgiveness by using a fucking chat app.
the prior two can be easily fixed, but the performance is really concerning. ill be using aliucord until they sort that stuff out anyway, new app is pretty but unfortunately flawed
I always wondered what the FUCK are Discord doing with their shitty client app. Like, how bad is their whole Electron React bullshit going that their performance is so bad. At this point rewriting it in something native would be less bother than fixing this shit
discord is my compromise platform, because the only other platform all my friends could agree on was whatsapp, and fuck meta
They agree on WhatsApp? All my friends want to stick to the horrible Facebook Messenger for some reason.
So you chose tencent?
yes this is oversimplified blah blah
it was a difficult choice - I pushed for them all to join signal, but there were some holdouts.
Whatsapp was e2ee, which discord is not. Discord can run in a webbrowser or a sandboxed flatpak on my desktop. All messengers suck, what ya gonna do?
well, both are terrible choices.
discord: no end-to-end encryption
whatsapp: mobile number is your identity
but yeah, it's pick you poison.
Been using Guilded, still needs a little work for the mobile app, but overall pretty good.
A good change imo. Never made sense to me, both in desktop and mobile that DMs are located right with the server list. I don't use it as much, but when I use it, it's precisely for DMs, so I think it's a change for the better. Some people complaining like they change every single part of the UI should touch some grass, sometimes change isn't a bad thing.
Agreed. It will take a second to unlearn the muscle memory but separating it was a good idea.
I hate it. It takes longer to get to useful features and in place you can now access things you've never cared to use faster.
You don't like excessive padding and useless information thrown into your face? The update is just to sell themes and shit on mobile, there was no UX consultation. Download version 205.15 to get the normal UI back.
Can someone explain the update to me . I mostly just use it for one discord server that a smaller streamer that I know personally and haven't really noticed anything 🤷
It put messages in their own section that is distinctly separate from the server list. A good change in my opinion and they didn't do it like slack where they took up more screen real estate so there literally isn't a downside other than "that's not where I'm used to clicking"
I never message anyone directly on discord so I would have probably never noticed
A few things changed:
As for my thoughts:
If you like the new ui, then that's great. But there's clearly people who don't for great reasons.
The reasons might be fine, but my opinion is that is whole thing is a little bit... Blown out of proportion.
Just on a couple of your points:
The other thing for me is that Discord is the messaging app I prefer, by a long shot. If they see this as an opportunity to add SMS linking to their feature set, and allow users to then also bridge those from the mobile to desktop version, it would solve a lot of communication issues I have, having everything in one place.
It's a welcome change in my book.
Discord slightly changed their UI with no visible downsides but people are soo unrelenting to change that they complain for no reason.
Damn, I'm stoked it isn't just me that likes the new update! Dat OLED black theme is always welcome here 👌👌
You could still tap multiple times on "Dark theme" in the Appearance settings on the now-old version to make the AMOLED one appear.
Downvote, why? on a browser app is better than that garbage
The change is ok. I hate how absolutely laggy it has become. And it already wasn't great
As was the style of the time.
Looks fine to me. Some people just bitch about every ui change.
I do actually think this one is an improvement, and I'm usually a UI change hater.
Thought this was about Reddit for a second 😆
(Yes yes, the logo, I know...)
They have the same minimalist look now so that makes sense. When I was scrolling I saw the colors and general design of this post and it looked like something reddit do. When i stopped and focused on the post I saw it was Discord.
It's same recycled design every tech company goes for now.
I stopped updating Discord's app once they did the shitty port of the iOS version to Android. Rolled back to 126.21 and haven't updated since. Sure some things are bugged, like the new usernames (shows Username#0000 for unique names now but who cares) and the nitro profile animation things. Once that version stops working, I stop using Discord.
Fuck those animations tbh
Aliucord might be up your alley too, it has some plug-ins to backport functionality to the (better) 126 version of discord
I am using version 125.14 too and have no plans to update it.
This is why everyone should disable auto updates
Granted, apps can lock you out if you don't have a certain version, but by and large, you should be able to choose to update when there's this drastic of a change
It's web based, so the UI updated on older versions of the app too. I had to downgrade to 126.21 to avoid this shit ui
Mines on 195.0 (iOS, idk if android has a different version build) and I’m still on the older ui. Wonder where the threshold is.
Eh it's a pretty good update tbh
There is a swap back button...
Not for me
Oh no, y'all were right fuck this
Thanks. They either wisened up that people don't like change and need to force it, or didn't add the option to android.
The "New Layout" section exists on android, but they got rid of the toggle; now you can only give feedback or learn more.
I would like the option to toggle off new layout, but do agree if that is the layout going forward, they should have it as the default so new people learn it out the door, but those that don't like the change have a choice.
I'm sure the change is fine, I've just spent the past few days too busy to realize it was an update change, and that my app was buggy, having trouble finding DMs, and switching back to servers.
I'm sure it was an announcement/dev notes, but they've trained me to not read those and immediately close them, because they happen every few days, and they always pop up when i am opening the app from notification, and I just want to reply to the notification, not deal with adverts for Nitro, or to subscribe now while there is this super special discount, or learn about 3 new features I will never use, nor care about.
I don’t use discord.
I’ve alwYs wondered about the logo though.
Is this supposed to be the ugliest smilie face?
Or a really husky wrestling woman flexing on you? Or the shirt she might wear?
An electron "app" which means: embedded website in embedded browser. Same shit like ms teams and the most of ms applications
You can install any older version of apps:
Lol. The website doesn’t even let me log in because the form doesn’t recognize that I fucking passed the bot check.
I can’t fathom why everything is on discord nowadays. It’s garbage software.
it's because the alternatives suck more
slack is paid, irc is a bodge on top of a bodge on top of a bodge, xmpp is rather similar, and matrix... would be nice if any of the clients except element supported any of the features, and also if message synchronization worked more than halfway
I have only used the new version on my phone a little and it felt much smoother than before. The mobile app was always ass, so if the redesign stops it from crashing all the time on my tablet it's a net win in my book
nah i like it
Before they switched to the react-native version they had the modern Android keyboard animation.
I got excited when they refreshed the UI but they still haven't added it back.
I'm fine with it. The desktop app is the same and that's what I use more anyway.
Don't worry, the rot will come there too, but all companies develop "mobile first" these days.
I wish you weren't right, but you probably are
Yeah the update sucks... Yet again. Like the time they changed from the Android code base to the iPhone one.
What happened ?
Barring design changes, Discord changed the user interface of their mobile app that is functionally worse than the old one:
—search results no longer show images and are an endless scroll instead of pages, making it harder to find stuff.
—search function no longer has filters for channels. You have to be in the channel for search results to show, which is not only annoying but is limiting if you’re looking for results across multiple channels.
—can no longer swipe right to show the list of server members. Instead, you have to click on the channel name to see it. However you can still swipe left to show server lists, so it’s inconsistent and breaks muscle memory.
—by default, contact lookup is enabled, which is big privacy violation and isn’t easy to turn off. Such a thing should be opt-in, not opt-out.
—you can no longer see who has DMed you. All you see is a notification in the direct messages button instead of the user’s profile image.
—some users have reported that when they send an image or video in a server, the screen opens to the latest DM instead of that channel. As a result, they’ve seen images and videos to the wrong chat. It might be a bug but, if not, a very poor decision.
—the new dark mode is not accessible to users with vision problems.
—a lot of buttons were moved needlessly, which not only breaks muscle memory but generally isn’t common sense. Some options, like in voice calls, are harder to access now.
A lot of users liked Discord’s simple and intuitive UI. In my experience, the updates in the past weren’t so radical and unpleasant. Such an overhaul is just really disorienting and irritating, does not make for a good user experience.
Also, Discord on Twitter has been dismissive of people’s complaints, telling people to get used to it rather than acknowledging the issues they’re bringing up.
Looks nice to me, feels a lot cleaner
Do I have one brain cell? It looks the same to me.
Nah the change isnt out to everyone yet
There is a setting in the app to see the change if it isn't updated by default.
I'm super out of the loop here. I just opened it one day and saw an interface redesign... What did I miss?
They really just need to integrate plugins/themes into their product
Would love proximity chat
Proximity chat, as in the ability to talk to people in the same room as you? I think that's just called having a conversation \s
I love it :>
The update works fine for me. No real complaints at all.
I don't use discord, is the change significant?
It's basically just a different app
You can download the 205.15 apk to remove that cancer.
So say someone were really stupid. How would they do that.. asking for a friend
There's lots of information on downloading APKs, the instructions can differ depending on which phone you have.
But essentially you download an APK file from a mirror site and install it. An example being APKMirror, just the APK version will work.
Oh and this is android btw, no idea how you would do it on ios.
A mirror site, like
I don't even use discord but now I'm curious to setup an account to see what is ruffling people's feathers.
Change. Change is ruffling people's feathers. They want what they are used to, and the new thing is unequivocally evil.
I hate the new layout. Why are DMs separate from servers? It makes no sense, and it means extra back button presses/swipes to change between them. Why not just have everything in one sidebar which I feel is way more logically consistent and convenient? This update is trash and Discord should feel bad.
Because lots of people thought that the previous ux was idiotic. Why are dms included with servers? That makes no sense? Why do dms disappear from the server list after you open them? It’s idiotic UX and the new way is much better. DMs are always reachable immediately and you don’t have to understand what the icons mean in order to find DMs. For my wife who uses discord maybe ten times a year, this will make her hate discord so much less.
For those of us who use Discord primarily on desktop though, this UI is atrocious. I expect Discord to work like Discord, not . I like the consistent experience between platforms.
Ultimately though, why can this not just be a freaking OPTION? Just put a toggle in the menu [DMs in Server List] [DMs in Separate Tab]. Bad user experience is forcing all users to conform to the One True Vision (tm). Especially when that vision is now horribly disjointed between platforms.
What's the difference between a swipe up to tap on messages bubble and tapping an icon at the bottom bringing you directly to the page?
I like the sentiment of this post in general, But I have no opinion on the specific example
I don't hate it, but what I do hate is discord still constantly crashes unless I uninstall system web view every fucking time
It's always been ugly for me so I don't see any difference. Although I agree that separating PM into its own tab is a good move.
Everytime I pass this meme, my mind auto-ignores it cause it's been brainwashed to automatically think it's an embedded ad. 😅
This just shows how I still need to get used to the fact Lemmy doesn't do that and and that this image is actually well made. Kudos! 😅
Good thing I am using Aliucord
I like the new call interface and the animations the calls have. I hate the fact pinned messages are under the “Settings” button for no reason and the fact the threads icon looks odd as hell.
I still run an old app with the original logo and font.
Yeah, my iPhone 4s still has the last version it supported and with a tweak it still works fine. It still even has the random quotes submitted by users, which have been long gone now.