Star Citizen Monthly Report - July 2023
Star Citizen Monthly Report - July 2023
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.
Summary taken from the Star Citizen Reddit Discord:
AI (Tech) ➣ Finalized work that allows NPCs to transition between EVA and environments with gravity ➣ NPCs can enter/exit ships through airlocks/hatches by vaulting over ledges ➣ Working on 2d boids such as rodents, that will move across terrain in a navmesh
Animation ➣ Focused on improving visual results for reloads and takedowns ➣ For 3.20, worked on basic idles for weapons and knives
Art (Characters/Ships) ➣ RSI Polaris began whitebox pass, interior whitebox completed ➣ unannounced ship on final art ➣ Crusader A1 Spirit progressed through final art ➣ Crusader C1 Spirit in greybox ➣ New 2 ship variants (unannounced) in greybox ➣ Tumbril Storm in end of production ➣ All-new vehicle (unannounced) in dev, whiteboxing all variants select one for greybox ➣ Aopoa San'tok.yāi in progress ➣ Origin X1 in greybox
Engine ➣ StarBuild progression (in-house code-build to replace WAF) ➣ Bugfixes ➣ MemReplay 2.0 added VirtualMemoryAreas concept ➣ 'MapAndWrite' discard calls progress ➣ Hull C implementation & bugfixes ➣ Physics code bugfixes ➣ RaStar and Resource Network progress ➣ Assisted Server Meshing team in improvements and fixes ➣ Bugfixes for 'aync editor loading`
Features (Characters & Weapons) ➣ Experimenting with skill progression; building strength to carry heavier objects, perform takedowns for better/quieter versions. ➣ Began implementing a sliding mechanic for sprint crouching.
Features (Mission) ➣ Ship Trespass feature is in QA testing ➣ Retrieve Consignment missions in final review ➣ Blockade runner global event in progress ➣ Cargo mission planning is completed, relying on rep system ➣ Steal and recover cargo missions were prototyped ➣ Code work began for reputation system ➣ Gives players discounts on purchases such as items, refueling & repairs. ➣ Rep-based hostility for NPC orgs to attack/protect players
Graphics, VFX Programming & Planet Tech ➣ New Global Illumination features ➣ Basic implementation of Temporal Super Resolution ➣ AMD memory allocation API integrated into Vulkan backend ➣ UI refinements and unifications ➣ New unified water shader ➣ New hash-map system for water buffer regions ➣ WorldBuilder system improvements ➣ Damage map fixes ➣ Bugfixes
In-game Branding ➣ Building assets for upcoming event ➣ Navigational signage for New Babbage ➣ Underground facility work ➣ Pyro touch-ups
Interactables ➣ Polish work on Pyro consumables, shop and props ➣ Created content for Sub flair
Lighting ➣ Pyro polish & cleanup ➣ New Orison platform tasks
Locations (EU) ➣ Work on Pyro's rundown stations ➣ Improved signage around New Babbage ➣ New content with Mission Feature team ➣ Pyro Outposts progressed ➣ Improvements to Pyro planets
Locations (Montreal) ➣ Derelict settlements passed greybox ➣ Underground facilities progressed
Narrative ➣ Mission system, providers and content work for Pyro ➣ Hull C ATC impementation ➣ 2 new narrative designers added to the team ➣ Released Loremakers and Galactapedia articles
Online Services (Montreal) ➣ InventoryID refined & bugfixed ➣ Refactor several backend services to gRPC ➣ EAC sactions and enforcement research
Research & Development ➣ Atmos / Cloud rendering improved ➣ New temporal tender mode
UI ➣ Data-heist screen improved ➣ Screen style varients ➣ Building Blocks performance pass ➣ Color picker, pagination, & stepped lines added to BB
VFX ➣ Pyro location interior/exterior work ➣ Finished pass on Size 5 bomb and 3 upcoming vehicles