NSCB is great software and I personally recommend it. It does work to verify new games if you provide it with an up-to-date prod.keys from your console. Super easy to setup on Windows as well, just download and extract the zip file, get your prod.keys file from your console, rename it to keys.txt, and place it in the ztools folder inside the NSCB files. Run NSCB.exe, select option 1 for individual processing, drop in an nsp, start processing, select 8 to verify files, and then option 3 for full integrity+sig1+hash verification.
SAK is Windows exclusive, but I got NSC_BUILDER's squirrel.py running in a python venv and it seems to do what I need. A bit of a pain to set up and use though. It would be much easier if it was set up as a pypi package. I also found NUT which I also got running in another python venv but I think I prefer NSC_BUILDER.