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What are your hidden gem medications/drugs/substances and what makes them ideal for your usecase

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I will start with naltrexone, which can help people who have difficulty regulating their drinking have a more natural and sustainable relationship with alcohol should they choose to not cut it out of their lives entirely.

  • Testosterone

    I'd tried a few different combinations of HRT (for menopause), and was doing ok ish on oestrogen patches and micronised progesterone capsules. But I still felt like a shadow of myself, a barely functioning husk.

    I ended up paying privately to see a menopause specialist (after finding out the waiting time for the NHS clinic I was referred to was at least a year and a half - just for my referral to get looked at), and she prescribed me testosterone. Within 48 hours I noticed a huge difference, I felt like I'd recovered a huge chunk of my energy and my personality.

    It makes me furious that it's so hard to get. I'm not sure what state my mental health would be in if I hadn't been able to get it. I was definitely looking at having to cut hours in work to be able to cope, and that would have had a big financial impact on me.

    And so many people I speak to - including women - are confused about why testosterone would help, there's so much misunderstanding about hormones, they don't know that women have testosterone and men have oestrogen. My aunt asked me whether it would reverse the menopause and I was just like er what... How would that even work?

  • Nifedipine - vasodilator

    This cheap and common calcium channel blocker has an effect more localized to the peripheral vessels than most other calcium channel blockers.

    I started taking it as a cure for chilblains, which it was remarkably effective at despite not being officially listed for. Did my research and asked my doctor for it. Never had one since.

    However I soon realized the joy of never feeling cold again. Gone are the days of taking swigs from a flask to keep my fingers thawed out while working on a stalled tractor at -30C. Gone are cold/numb feet in ski boots and rubber boots, frozen thumbs on quads and snowmobiles. I can work in my unheated shop all day!

    Of course its main function is to drop blood pressure by decreasing arterial resistance, which I found provided a significant performance boost in someone with only high normal blood pressure. I box and jump rope, and realized a few days after taking nifedipine that I had been jumping so long that my legs were getting sore, but my endurance still felt limitless.

    My blood pressure is down to totally normal too. So drop your blood pressure, boost your endurance and never feel cold again for under $30/month... It's a deal

  • L-theanine and caffeine

    It's a combination that gives me energy and allows me to focus for a couple hours at a time without jitters or anxiety.

  • Meclizine

    Meclizine is an antiemetic that works far better than Dramamine, imo. You can find chewable tablets, but it's far cheaper and more efficient to just get the pills. I get migraines + have IBS, so I'm constantly nauseous. (And have emetophobia, so I'll do anything I can to avoid it.) It doesn't make you drowsy like Dramamine might, either.