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Is anyone using NixOS as their daily driver?

I'm currently running Arch and it's great, but I'm noticing I'm not staying on the ball in regards to updates. I've been reading a bit about Nix and NixOS and thinking of trying it as my daily driver. I've got a Lenovo x1 xtreme laptop, I don't do much gaming (except OSRS), use firefox, jetbrains stuff, bitwarden, remmina, obsidian, and docker.

Is anyone running NixOS as their daily? How are you liking it and are there any pitfalls / stuff you wish you knew before?

  • I'm using it currently. Documentation is really annoying to deal with because it's changing so quickly. I went with a flake + home manager setup and tried to keep my config as spartan as possible. Most of the configurations I found online use a ton of files an a deep tree of folders and I found that really hard to follow. You can look at my configuration here.

  • Using NixOS as my daily OS on a X1 since six years now.

    The first months have been hard as at this time was no installer at all and I had to do everything manually. After a while I got used to the update process.

    Recently I switched to Nix Flakes which is another challenge but seems to make the Nix way even more consequent.

    The only odd thing what drives me nerves is that compiling on that machine takes sometimes a half day.

    Besides this it is still the best OS I ever used

  • I really like it. The language took me time to learn but so far it has been worth it. The ability to rollback in git and rebuild has saved my computer countless times; usually from my own mistakes.

  • I had as a daily driver for a few weeks through VirtualBox. Next week I plan on installing it as a secondary OS to see if it plays well with my hardware and if so, I'll make it my only OS.