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please defederate from and

(not sure if this is the right community, sorry)

Hi, someone posted this on another server. I'd like to request we defederate with and as well. I scrolled through some of their posts and comments and it's full of ridiculous anti-left propaganda, for example a post where some liberal Florida family fleeing the state when some child protection laws got passed, implying liberals abuse children and won't live in a state that doesn't allow them to. Just take a look for yourself.

" Admins of please consider defederating from it has been taken over by right wing malicious actors from and the admin is nowhere to be found.

It is imperative that you take action as soon as possible the users on rammy are using the site to spread their messages to a further audience, we must nip this in the bud. If you don't believe me check the instance for yourself, you'll see it dominated with bigoted right wing posts and spam communities."

Edit: So many commenters think this is about political opinions or disagreement. It's not. If I said "Mixing bleach and ammonia is good for you" I bet some of you would call that a political disagreement.

  • If I am reading the situation wrong, I apologize.

    The reason that I am not a member at beehaw was because they were overly wrapped up in concerns such as this one. I'm here for enjoyable chats with people, not to take sides in the latest macro-politics or causes or whatever lately is stirring the pot or making the winds blow. These things are fine and some people are interested in them, but I'm turned off by the idea of an instance that is particularly identified one way or another when I am not concerned with any of that.

    What I'm looking for are kind souls that share an interest in technology and an instance that was widely federated so that a wide variety of my interest groups (music, weightloss, networking, ancient Stoicism) are available. That's why I joined here. SDF has been around a long time and many who have enjoyed its offerings have held many different opinions and yet shared this resource peacefully.

    I'm particularly turned off by people that want a silo with only the right causes, only the right thinking, only the right speech.

    That doesn't mean we shouldn't have management and protection of against those that are unkindly trolling or actively trying to do technical damage. Ban those actually doing evil. But if people of good cheer share different views kindky as neighbors and friends, I have no problem with that and don't want to see that roped off.

    Remember the two rules of FidoNet? "Don't be excessively annoying. Don't be easily annoyed." That's all I'm saying.

  • If they have anything interesting or non-hateful to say they'll say it on another instance. The hate they spew is only on these instances because the admins are hateful.

    If there is a vote I will vote to defederate and I'll sleep perfectly well because the slippery slope fallacy is just that. If I want to see their hateful garbage I'll sign up for an account there.

  • I have to wonder if the people staunchly against defederation at any cost ever dealt with redditors from hate subs following them around reddit from sub to sub everywhere they posted to keep screaming at them about trans women not being women, while also repeatedly reporting them to Reddits suicide bot to try to make them think about suicide. It's not exactly the nicest online experience and I had it more than once in my time on reddit.

    To me the benefit of federation includes defederation. If it was easy to just say "get rid of all the users from r/hatesub" on reddit it would have been a lot nicer. I don't know why people are clamoring to keep hateful shit around. Go join the hateful shit instance if you want to read it so bad but I'd rather the users of an instance like that not be able to see me at all since queer people like me are who they hate so bad, and I can't exactly block all of them.

  • I am adept enough to decide, at a personal usage level, which content I want to filter out. I refuse to be a part of a community that feels a need to make those decisions for me. SDF is one place where I know I shouldn’t have to worry about that. If you want to play content moderator, spin up your own instance and play god.