Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1
Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1
latina (cuban?? am I racist for being unsure....) mommy
Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1
latina (cuban?? am I racist for being unsure....) mommy
WOKESTAR games makes WOMAN OF COLOR protagonist
they nailed contemporary florida btw; the energy is very correct
The energy feels very much like every American stereotype I've seen or heard about, as a non American.
Florida is just everything wrong the rest of Amerikkka on steroids, and no snow or basements
It does until you actually go to Florida. That place is a living stereotype.
I get what they're going for here. Show the city, the vibe, the graphical and animation differences over the first one. Not too much, but teased enough to make it abundantly clear that this is a leap forwards over 5. (which it should be, it's been 10 years)
Get the tastebuds going and leave them wanting more by giving no payoff to the trailer, the moment of climax is literally a cliffhangar. Will the robbery go ok? Will they trust each other? Will they betray each other? Who knows. Wait for the next trailer which will be on a totally different topic.
I think one thing I did notice in this trailer is that there is significantly more difference in the body diversity of character models, you've got larrrrrrge big bodied people, you've got height differences, you've got skinny women, you've got thiccccc women, there are huge muscle building men, gaunt guys, short guys, tall guys, overweight guys and more. At least I'm pretty sure I see different heights here:
Diversity of bodies is very difficult to do and stands out when games do it instead of using a 3 or 4 models over and over. I hope there's a huge range, it always irks me when every single character in a game is the same height.
Red dead 2 also had a good variety of body shapes, but even this looks to be more diverse than that.
It's one of the most valuable ways these world simulation style games can go to completely change the feel of them. One thing however that I think it will also do is highlight the absence of children. Not that I'm advocating for children in these games because they'll only be murder fantasies for people but when walking a city and seeing things like skateparks or children's equipment you also expect to see the occupants that would typically be at them. The closer we get to simulating cities and places the more certain things being absent will feel very uncanny.
gta v already had tons of different bodytypes and all their npcs are all playable if you go into the directors mode or use trainers. doesn't amount to shit though since their brand of satire is always making fun of fat people
5’11 vs 6’0
2025 means 2027 for PC lol 💀
I'm still hyped tho
Here's hoping some working emulators come out by then
Needs to include Gusano's and insane old retirees.
there was definitely an insane retiree near the end of the trailer
Based on the woman who smashed a car with two hammers i think
After playing RDR2, I was hoping GTA 6 would have missions where you end up being roped into a CIA-backed Gusano plan to invade Cuba and get BTFO’d by not-Castro
There’s still hope it’ll happen, especially if the company still values controversy
There’s still hope it’ll happen, especially if the company still values controversy
but that's not the kind of controversy they value. Politically they've always done the south park libertarian nihilist schtick of "isn't all sides just equally crazy?!?!?!" RDR 2 might be a slight exception to that rule, because they set it 124 years ago
Really lazy for rockstar to pack this trailer with tons of footage of actual Florida instead of finishing their game
Yeah, same story here. Never really cared for GTA beyond/before 4 (which is apparently the black sheep lol), but I have to admit the Bonnie and Clyde theme is an interesting turn. I guess, in my case, it's also because it seems like the protagonist isn't boring and unsympthetic (cough 5).
The protagonist seem pretty stale. But honestly I hated the first RDR2 trailer because it just sounded like a basic story about getting money. But it ended up being my favorite game. I think Rockstar is just bad at creating a first impression at least for me.
What really interests me is the events and characters shown in the trailer. Cyberpunk 2077 did the same thing and promised dynamic events in the city, but look how that panned out. But Rockstar is usually pretty good with adding details so it might actually be pretty diverse
Fully expecting this to be yet another Rockstar Special, i.e. a technical marvel rendering a painstakingly crafted world, full of boring gameplay, underdeveloped systems, and dull, unlikable characters.
Biggest complaint of RDR2 - seemingly never ending tutorials. Every fucking mission had a new gameplay piece that wasn't used for fucking anything else and required you to use buttons in a totally different way than the last one.
can't wait for the entire open-world to be completely useless for anything other than going on meaningless rampages and driving from mission end point A to mission start point B
Just stop it
Stop injecting woke politics in my vidja
No one needs to see a het couple in a game
I just want the Red Dead thing of disappearing into the wilderness (swamps in this case) and emerging back into civilization covered in blood and dirt and like 5 extra inches of hair. If they pulled that off it would be GOTY for me.
Really want Florida Man style cryptid events
I cant wait to run over gusanos and rich people in this hyperrealistic game
Theres no way this doesnt end badly, it kinda feels irresponsible to make a game like this
Ten bucks says the main character is a gusano. Probably some reference about their family fleeing the great evil for beautiful America and now she has to turn to crime to survive. Rockstar isn't clever, and they love their right wing views.
Rockstar isn't clever, and they love their right wing views.
RDR2 was far from right wing. Though Dan Houser said he never cared for GTA and only like RDR, so perhaps the writing direction will be different.
Probably some reference about their family fleeing the great evil for beautiful America and now she has to turn to crime to survive.
… did you play GTA 4? It was an ex-Yugoslav veteran coming to America to achieve the American dream only to realize it’s all fake and the people are stupid for believing it.
San Andres was literally about CRASH harassing black people and forcing you to be involved with crime. At worst they’re libertarian but they seem to lean on the “wow the government is really shitty and we have to resort to crime” angle.
Yeah probably
Is that really something you can do? I would spend too much time doing just that
You can do it in GTA5
I don’t understand why conservatives were automatically angry with this game just because of a female character. Couple gangs exist in real life. Aside from Bonnie and Clyde, there are several spree/serial killers with a couple dynamic. Did they forget that Natural Born Killers is a controversial movie that people tried to censor? Shouldn’t they be celebrating the game for taking that path?
Because there's a segment of gamer reactionary culture that hates the idea of females entering the gaming space, i.e. gamergate never ended for these fucking "people" and they are eternally angry.
Yes but have you not considered woman bad and
?You're giving them too much credit if you think the thought process was anything more than "women in my vidya, bad!!" Because that's what they've been told to think for a decade.
Imagining one of them walking out one minute into Pulp Fiction
looks actually cool as fuck
2025 😱
all the youtube comments are in spanish nice lol
Biggest media thing in the world and you deliver such a weak ass fucking trailer? There's no oomph to it at all, random ass shots just thrown together, like something someone would throw together for a demo reel for internal use at some project meeting
take a deep breath comrade
It's trailer one, so I guess it's the trailer for the trailer lmao.
I hate modern media sometimes.
That’s how they present the previous games. It’s obviously working because everyone is talking about it and anticipating the next trailers.
The trailers are usually in this order:
Game environment -> Story -> Gameplay -> Feature Showcase -> A little bit more serious trailer -> Multiplayer
nah just look at the first trailers for gta iv and gta v and those feel way more inspired than this one. gta iv went for the full kooyanisqatsi bit and both of those trailers featured full monologues by their respective protagonists. this one doesn't give you anything storywise besides what we already knew from leaks. the social media angle is also just so fucking done who really wants that shit in their videogames (especially when they are literally taken from real life)
Yeah compared to the Gta 4 trailers it's pretty weak, even V's trailer was better though the game itself wasn't very good.
Because g*mers have absolutely no tastes and will soyface all the same, so why bother putting in effort. Just look at the comment with 300k+ likes.
i wonder how many hours of crunch went into realistic sweat animations or some shit
You're gonna need 250 gigabytes and an RTX 5090 to play this game
Add like 2 years to whatever the release date is for the PC version that my modest machine will surely be too outdated to run
I'd be interested if not for their history of gutting content in favor of their scam online services 🫤
I'm curious how they'll handle the crime aspect with it taking place in modern times. I was thinking again how this woman in the 2020 George Floyd protests was identified and arrested via an Etsy purchased shirt. Maybe the game takes place over the course like 72 hours before they get caught? I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but something that forces Rockstar to have a different story architecture than having the entire map open for you to hop from mission location to mission location would be a nice change.
this woman in the 2020 George Floyd protests was identified and arrested via an Etsy purchased shirt
Most crimes aren't investigated this thoroughly. Half of murders go unsolved.
In real life, if the police witnessed you commit a crime, chased after you, and then saw you enter your home, you wouldn't be in the clear. It's an acceptable unrealistic thing for the sake of gameplay.
I think you've already put more thought into this than Rockstar has. I don't really think you can still make a GTA game set in "mass shooting every other week" 2023 police state america and not just bury your head in sand.
something that forces Rockstar to have a different story architecture than having the entire map open for you to hop from mission location to mission location would be a nice change.
It was reported a few years ago the initial game with be medium sized (in terms of map). That could mean they plan on monetizing it by expanding it through DLC, and/or it could mean they plan on packing more into a smaller area like Yakuza.
One thing I hate about Rockstar games is that they never restrict you. You can make millions of dollars and the story will still make you some poor bum on the run.
The trailer shows them parodying the body cam (which seems to be trend ever since that cop game demo reel became popular). They’re likely going to incorporate more police brutality in the game
Gta VII will be a Watch Dogs remake
72,587,321 views 16 hours ago
I'm not laying any GTA game thst doesn't feature Big Smoke. I won't compromise this principle.
like it says in the book, we are blessed and cursed
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