Say I want a new RTX card, but I'd never in a million years be willing to pay the small fortune Nvidia is demanding due to the crypto/AI bubbles. What's the least risky way to scam one from Amazon?
Say I want a new RTX card, but I'd never in a million years be willing to pay the small fortune Nvidia is demanding due to the crypto/AI bubbles. What's the least risky way to scam one from Amazon?
Generally speaking, I get the feeling I should stick to something that isn't worth enough for felony theft charges to apply, so no RTX 4090 or 4080. The 4070 Ti isn't at all a bad deal for $0.00, so I suppose that's the one.
I've heard conflicting reports on how likely Amazon is to refund you if you simply claim the box showed up with a brick in it. I've also seen conflicting reports on whether or not they'll actually check if a return has the same serial number on it. What say you, Hexbear?