I’ve finally seen everything Trek.
I’ve finally seen everything Trek.
I first got into trek with the 09 movie. It was a lot better than I expected and a good friend of mine is huge into Trek.
I decided to give the tv series a try. After being a little unsure what to watch I started with ENT. I figured it’s my first time watching trek and it’s their first time exploring and I liked that parallel. I’ve recently rewatched this series and liked it a whole lot more. This series is much better after having seen at least TNG, DS9 or VOY.
My watch order, not including new Trek was,
ENT > TNG > VOY > DS9 > TOS > TAS > PRO > TOS movies.
I watched all the other new trek stuff as it came out and watched the TNG movies a few months back.
By far, the TOS movies were the hardest to enjoy. The 2, 3, and 4 movies were decent, but 5 was really bad.
TOS series was also a little hard to get through. I could only watch a few episodes at a time. Unlike PRO which I watched in a day.
It’s hard to pick a beat or favorite series, but if you were going to watch one I think I’d easily recommend TNG. It’s such a great show and has such a great cast.
I’m loving all the new trek stuff as well. I’m really surprised at how good PRO was. And SNW has been a masterpiece.
I’m rewatching DS9 now and I’m at the start of season 3. Wow, this show has so many good episodes just one after another.