Anyone else hear any dogs barking?
Anyone else hear any dogs barking?
Anyone else hear any dogs barking?
identity politics bad
spouts identity politics in the literal next sentence
why do these chuds even pretend to be commies, are they paid, are they dumb enough to think we'll believe it, or are they so dumb that they themselves actually believe it?
Migrant workers who produce half the food in the country: Not needed for the revolutionary movement
Women who perform hours of unpaid childcare labor in addition to a 40-hour workweek: Not needed for the revolutionary movement
White guys who are paid $200,000 per year to eat donuts and harass minorities: Absolutely essential to the revolutionary movement, even hinting to them that they should maybe re-examine their biases should be anathema
cops of the world, unite! you have nothing to loosen but other people's chains
if he makes up the military and police (armed wings of the forces of capital), why are we not supposed to alienate him in our movement against capital???
no no you see the guy who owns 200 acres of farm land is a heckin workin class because lots of grass is trad and shit
the guy who works for $6/hr at starbucks is bourgeois because he's in a city and that's modern decadence
Sounds more like a fog horn than a dog whistle really
Loud and clear
Racism spotlight ala the Bat Signal
Lol, yeah
Isn't the backbone of the American economy actually migrant and immigrant workers mostly from Mexico, and factory workers in China, India and Vietnam that make all of America's stuff?
The white guy is the powerhouse of the cell
Cis white men are already alienated from their labor, fellow workers, neighbors, people of color in general, folks with slightly different gender expressions, folks with the same gender expressions, their kids, fuck, even their dogs. Maybe this person can explain how challenging preconceived notions and unjust hierarchies meaningfully alienate the cis mayo man, because it seems like it's just a drop in the bucket.
Also, imagine thinking it's counterrevolutionary to alienate cops or people making a career out of murdering foreigners for capital. Sounds like a Bernie stan
I gave this person the benefit of the doubt and assumed that they were referring to the bourgeois American revolution since that's a perfect fit for the narrative they're pushing.
Intersectionality only matters if your white, apparently?
He still won't pick you babe.
sorry, heard a very annoying noise
These so-called "white men" better get the fuck over it, because the rest of the working class aren't going anywhere and this isn't 1968
Also "identify politics" is bad, except when it's about white men lmao racist puke
Shut the fuck up kkkrakkker
The economic powerhouse of the United States is the White man
Yes, because free market economics is notoriously shit at tracking actual production, so it tends to track consumption instead. White men generate more GDP by getting paid more and spending more, but that says nothing about what they actually produce in terms of useful goods and services.
White men consume a disproportionate amount of the US economic pie, and that's the fucking problem.
It's a problem, I'm not sure it's the problem