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  • wow, this is actually amazing.

    You’d think a rapidly developing service like Lemmy might face restrictions like that due to resources but Twitter? Mismanagement beyond belief.

  • Limit rating your core audience in their primary task is completely batshit crazy. Thank fuck for mastodon.

  • Please please please let this be the breaking point at which big online personalities switch to mastodon, or at least start using those crossposting tools. That's the only thing I miss from twitter and something RSS cant replace

  • So unless you pay Elon Musk $8/month, you can only load 600 tweets per day. That's some fucked up shit right there man.

  • I don't even use Twitter anymore, but after this, I went there just to delete my two accounts.

  • You really can’t make this stuff up, it’s beyond my head how someone can make those choices. But I mean advertisers already ditched Twitter long ago, so why not squeeze the last money out of it that you can get.

  • Let's hope for another twitter migration wave to mastodon / other fediverse platforms!

  • Simply put this is the most amazing thing the twit did to Twitter since forcing himself as King Twit. Even better than when he tried to back out of it but couldn't because he'd already signed for it.

  • zomg. musk has finally found the cure for doomscrolling addiction!!!

  • The funny thing is I'm pretty sure replies, tweets, and retweets all count toward that (if they're using the same rules as the API), so basically that just kills the majority of your user base.