Mom fired as sex-ed teacher after being exposed as convicted prostitute, working escort
Mom fired as sex-ed teacher after being exposed as convicted prostitute, working escort

She advertised as the "true girl next door."

Mom fired as sex-ed teacher after being exposed as convicted prostitute, working escort
She advertised as the "true girl next door."
I would think that would make her uniquely qualified to teach it.
Yes, many academic disciplines view fieldwork as essential. Those who abstain can even be labeled as armchair theorists.
“No officer, you don’t understand! I offered her a large grant for her to do research. Not research for me, it’s for the high schoolers! How else are they supposed to learn proper technique? Jail? For what? Providing a proper education?!”
Sex ed is ideally about healthy relationships and safe sex. A prostitute is probably the exact opposite of what you want for that.
Sex-as-industry is a deeply fucked up field that is almost guaranteed to build resentment and unhealthy associations with sex.
A woman who has sex for work would be very concerned about doing so safely. She is likely going to know about STDs and pregnancies as well as how to prevent them and how to deal with them if/when they come up.
She has experience in setting expectations, limits, and breaking off sex when she needs to.
She is going to have more experience with the human body, what's "normal" physically, what warning signs are for various STDs.
She'll likely be the least judgemental person for someone to talk to when it comes to sex and sexual relationships.
Sex-as-industry is a deeply fucked up field that is almost guaranteed to build resentment and unhealthy associations with sex.
It’s literally not. In fact, some people who do sex work develop an almost therapeutic relationship with their clients, since the intimate environment promotes emotional sharing.
It’s literally one of the oldest professions of human society, and the stigma against it is entirely rooted in puritanical religious attitudes, which have been proven to be antithetical to healthy relationships, if not actively promoting abuse.
Victim blaming. Wow.
They are experts in the industry and it’s not a justification. If it was your justification I’ll just let your next doctor know that you don’t want a lecture by an expert in the field but someone else entirely. I’ll just grab today’s horoscope. Holdup.
Legalize prostitution and get rid of the stigma. It being illegal only hurts the women (mostly) in the long run. With legalization you could get rid of a lot of abuse and make it easy for these women to come forward if there is abuse. I think it would also make underage trafficking harder if prostitution was legalized.
I think we’re a long way from that, but one can hope for society.
Hurting women is the point. By keeping some people's primary form of income illegal they can be superexploited, just like undocumented migrant workers. It's no coincidence that they're also similarly at risk of kidnapping, trafficking, and violence. No work insurance, no safety net, no legal protection, no rights, no dignity, and if you get caught you are the one that gets punished instead of the people who exploit you.
One of the best arguments for legalizing it.
I don't think hurting women is the point, more like a bonus or icing on the cake.
The point is to maintain a facade that our culture is 'above' such kind of behavior, even though everyone with a brain knows it's not.
Same kind of sentiment that allows Christians/Catholics to have sex out of wedlock but still think they're 'holier than' everyone else who does the same.
It's all just hypocrisy and insecurity.
"Convicted prostitute" is not the condemnation the article-writer thinks it is... Work is work!
We do not need to legalize it to get rid of the stigma. Spreading and calling out stories like this for the dreadful, inhumane, closeminded bullshit that they are is how we get rid of the stigma.
Would brothels be allowed to participate in job placement programs at career day in high schools ?
Probably not as that would be advertising sex work within an area frequented by minors. I bet it would fall under the same laws as consuming or selling pornography close to schools and parks.
You act like that's absurd, yet we allow the military to come and recruit children. That's far worse.
The only problem that I have with legalizing prostitution is that it requires the government enact sane protections and oversight for them. I do not trust the US government to ever do anything for real people, so I believe it would just lead to different abuses.
Very well you don't trust the government. Can you detail to me how you use this in real life? For example do you conduct your own water testing and inspect the watersheds around waste water treatment plants? Do you take your electronics and subject them to FCC type testing for safety and non-interference? Do you perform your own bacteria culture tests on all food prior to eating?
The government is far from perfect but it can in general regulate industry when the legislative branch allows it too.
To cut back on the hyperbole that you're receiving for your comment: Even badly managed oversight would be better than none at all.
Amazon warehouse workers are being exploited brutally in a system that needs fixing, but there's much less trafficking and violent coercion involved.
I can trust them to abuse their power, and by keeping it illegal you give them the power to abuse.
Sex work is work. This woman did nothing wrong. Fuck the puritans who fired her.
Sex work is work.
Do you believe that every sort of work in the world should be 100% legal? All of it?
Regardless of the fact that there's no way many of her students will be mature enough to handle this information without being disruptive, there's a difference between supporting life decisions and accepting them.
Like the difference between fatphobia and supporting healthy lifestyles, right? One is cruelty, the other is not supporting bad habits.
Same with prostitution, it's one thing to not oppress sex workers, it's another to tell kids to become sex workers. Hopefully she's not doing that but is normalizing the profession really what you want around teenagers?
No parent wants to find out their kid started turning tricks because Ms Smith seemed cool.
Especially when her "Ways to Spot A Dangerous John" course wasn't approved by the principal.
It is massively naive to think that zero of the people who are students right now will ever do sex work at some point in the future. Some of them definitely will. Even if you don't agree that sex work is valid and honorable work (which you clearly don't agree with) there's no way to stop people from doing it despite how vilified or illegal it is in any society.
Given that reality, a course teaching people how to avoid the dangerous elements of a job that some of those people will eventually do, sounds like a great course. Having a sex worker who knows WTF she's talking about teach it? That's fucking amazing.
You're acting like she introduced herself to her students as a former prostitute. The kids never would have known if these asshole adults didn't dig into her past like it mattered.
I paid for my teaching degree by working as a prostitute. Prostitutes aren’t extra horny degenerates or something, they’re just folks trying to survive. I’d probably be a better teacher if I could still do it, because I could cut back the hours at my second job 🤷♂️
Seems like we hold teachers to higher standards than CEOs and politicians, for less money than a Walmart GM makes…
More like hold women to stricter standards than men.
Men can and are celebrated for being absolute sluts. Hell, its actively encouraged in most spaces.
Woman sleeps with more than 2 people and an inordinate amount of people will look down upon her and say all kinds of horrific things.
It's almost like we should be paying you more... But... Nahhh, MuH tAxEs!!! Wahhhh!
Sorry we all collectively suck so much :(
Thank you for your service!
Doesn't this ironically make her more qualified?
That makes her completely unironically more qualified.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought that.
That was my first thought. If anything over qualified!
Maybe that is why she was fired "you are too qualified for this job"
Sex work should not be a crime.
Sex is legal, selling thing is legal but selling sex is... Illegal?
Can someone show me the logic here?
You need to have a camera and a website to upload the video to.
I disagree. Society continues downhill.
Go peddling your bullshit to your church friends
It's always downhill, for Israel and Gaza a downhill fireball because when you attempt to victimise the very patriarchy that gives you freedom you shouldn't decry losing your freedoms, you see what happen to Afghanistan? No civilization just gangs of terrorists. You get what you asked for, paedophiles and cunts run society like a pack of wolves, no seven wonders for you.
The fact that prostitition is illegal over there still baffles me. It's just a job and if anyone knows about safe sex it's someone who works a profession tied to it. If i wanted to learn about some hobby i'm sure i could learn more from a professional than some random guy.
I'm sure the misogynist gym teacher with the emotional aptitude of a 15 year old who's partner has to drink themselves ready for the same missionary sex they've had for the past decade is a great teacher of sex-ed.
we were like 14 years old when dude said "well, today's the day". then he took a banana out of one drawer of his desk, and a condom out of another drawer. like they had always been there. like they belonged there. like the box his desk came in said "sturdy construction, faux wood grain paneling, and advanced banana and condom storage solutions." he then took ten minutes to explain to us that condoms don't work, and we shouldn't trust them, and that only by not fucking will we be safe from wrath, rack and ruin. He then tried to put the condom on the banana, struggled with it being upside down for a bit, and BROKE THE FUCKING BANANA.
This was the state of sex ed in the wilds of Pennsylvania circa 2000
Christianity, racism and corruption. Politicians love to target poor people, and prostitution is a job that often draws in the desperate. Conveniently, POC make up a large percentage of the impoverished population.
Sex trafficking is out of control in the US, yet it's never talked about by politicians. Even with Epstein, the focus was on how terrible he and his accomplices were, not on the actual problem. Not the thousands of other women and girls who are still being trafficked in the US. Legalizing prostitution is pretty much the only answer.
I think to just put it on the level of any other basic profession is naive, and I think you know that. I'm on board, but to turn a blind eye to human trafficking is foolish. And to suggest legalizing prostitution would all of a sudden eliminate human trafficking is just as foolish.
Oh, look... the puritan sex hater brigade has shown up.
"Over qualified"
What, Isn't she perfect for the job then?
Yeah, like they don't want a cop with too high of an IQ.
Yes she is - which is the problem. They don't really want kids to know anything about sex - it's too subversive for the "indoctrinate them when they are young" crowd.
Bro she literally has the most experience why would you fire her
She's over qualified. They couldn't afford her.
someone on the board wanted her to lower her prices
Over experienced I guess lol.
For once they had a teacher who actually knew her stuff...
Just think: hundreds of young men would know a clitoris existed before they were 30. But nnnoooo....
So much for subject matter expertise.
she probably my cousin you watch yourself bud /s
Man, your cousin is kinda hot lmao
Seems like she was over qualified
I am against prostitution being illegal. I am also against slut shaming. And I am even more against ruining someones future opportunities of ANY kind for having been in the sex work business. But befor you let anyone teach: Make sure they are a teacher. If you want to teach biology (which sex ed is a part of) to children, you better have a degree in biology and teaching, ffs.
Lol, get a load of this guy wanting a position getting paid 35k a year to have a degree.
I AM a teacher. I teach English as a foreign language and Computer Science (just CS right now). I have a gross income of slightly more than 60k a year (59k €). That’s about 3.850€ net a month after health insurance and taxes. I also have a not too shabby pension guaranteed as long as I don’t quit the job. That’s included in “my package”. Also I am tenured. I can only be fired for gross neglect or having an affair with a (minor) student, bribery or things of that nature.
The “catch” (some say advantage): That’s in Germany, not in Retardistan.
And especially a degree in a stem field.
If you want highly skilled teachers, expect to pay wages and compensations for highly skilled workers.
I do expect that. I expect teachers to be very well compensated. You are talking about educating future generations and the sustainability of the country. Not about selling microwaves (nothing against it, it's just that I consider teachers to be as important to society as firefighters and healthcare workers).
Sex work should be legal.
In many more civilised places it is legal and regulated.
Nobody wants to deal with the short term issues it raises, aside from the moral police issue. Legalizing it actually increases trafficking in the legalized area, while reducing it in a larger area outside the legal one. This only happens because it's an island of legality, if it was legal everywhere then trafficking would drop much more everywhere. But Nobody wants to invite the temporary increase by being the first. Germany, for example, has higher sex trafficking than most of Europe. It also ignore the difficulty of regulation, there's a reason it is so prevalent, even where illegal. There is always going to be a strong pressure on vulnerable women, and enforcing the regulations can be incredibly difficult.
That's not to say it shouldn't be legalized. But these are the challenges it faces.
The reason why it's illegalized in the first place is that when a society has many whores it's symbolic of people selling their children into the sex trade out of poverty and usually a marker of a failing economy. See Mexico. Prostitution on the rise usually coincides with falls in a variety of economic growth vectors
She would seem to have a lot of experience in the matter though.
This sounds like the perfect person for the job.
Wouldn’t that be someone with more knowledge on sex and hygiene?
My first thought was well. "Father expelled as PE teacher after being exposed as convicted marathon runner."
Nice of them to go the extra mile and include her maiden name for maximum shaming.
I hope they also fire the coaches for formerly playing sports.
So what's the problem? They're blaming her for keeping up-to-date on topics she was teaching.
Per the Post, parents discovered several Lola Brea profiles, and noted her to be an expensive and "well-reviewed" escort, who warned that no-show clients could face a penalty of up to $3,000.
Sounds like teaching was her side-gig...
She probably had the best stocked classroom in the entire district.
The real crime here is what we pay our educators.
Whichever students had her to be their sex ed teacher must have been incredibly blessed beyond words.
Or her front business
The publication reported that a judge had signed an injunction in 2016 that prohibited specific children to visit "any place of Ashley Villalobos' residence" because she was a "known prostitute."
Lmao it's like she's poisonous or something, what the fuck
That's Exactly the woman I want teaching sex Ed.
We had a priest... Teaching sex Ed... That's like having a blind person instruct drivers Ed.
‘Convicted’ prostitute? What the fuck is this phrasing?
Prostitution is generally a crime and she was convicted. As opposed to an alleged prostitute, who may have only be charged or suspected of prostitution.
I failed to see why there's a controversy here
Because you don't live in Texas where the only freedom is gun toting religious freedom, and by religion they mean White Christian.
Something that bugs me: why does the headline/article seem so focused on her being a mother? Lots of people have kids. Shouldn't it say teacher or woman?
Edit: she wasn't a teacher but served on an advisory schoolboard council. I didn't read the article.
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This why you should always have a personal email and work email.
Can't be arsed to find the ads but:
It is pretty common for assholes to dox sex workers. Either by finding identifiers in ads or just using a hidden camera when they go for a session. And people REALLY do not understand just how trivial it is to access DMV records (sometimes even legally) and run those through a face recognition program.
This leads to various "reviews" that may or may not get deleted but still get indexed by search engines and make those connections.
So even if she had proper opsec, there are good odds that searching her personal email could make her ads come up regardless.
I can't figure out why the fact that she's a mom is the first thing in the headline.
It's to shame her for having sex at least once.
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I’m trying to figure out what her being a mom has anything to do with the story. She has kids, who gives a shit? In this country, you’re forced to do it, so what’s the point of calling someone out for it?
Shame. How dare a MoThEr engage in something so base as sex work? It's written that way explicitly to shame her.
I'm guessing either 1) it's one more thing for conservative assholes to judge her for, or 2) they think a woman's identity is tied to her ability to breed, so once she has kids she is no longer a "woman" and become a "mom."
I hope she reads this.
Use the notoriety to write a book for teenagers. Intelligent parents will buy it, and smart kids will seek it out.
This was my thought. Who the hell else would be as knowledgeable as she.
It's not illegal to work a 2nd job!?!
So much for a skills-based education model.
Wait... Is there a difference between a prostitute and an escort? The headline makes it sound like she stopped being the former and is currently the latter.
It's threading a very fine legal loophole. An "escort" is paid for their time, only promising to show up. They have sex with you "because I like you". It's bullshit, you know it's bullshit, they know it's bullshit, and the police know it's bullshit, but it's enough to wiggle out of legal trouble.
According to the publication, escort sites bill themselves as platforms for escorts to sell time and companionship and are legal in Texas, while prostitution is not.
"Prostitution" references a specific crime. They're saying that she's been convicted of that crime by including it in the headline. "Escort" is an occupation.
Tax evasion is illegal but tax avoidance is legal... The legal system is FUCKED
So here's something "funny."
When police do undercover stings to arrest customers of sex workers, they're described as HUMAN TRAFFICKING STING. And here, on the other hand, this person is described as prostitute [and] working escort.
Schroedinger's sex worker?
One of several reasons we have so much reported "human trafficking" cases in the US is because our current laws make it so that any time more than one person is working in an organization involved in sex work, it can magically get redefined as human trafficking even if no workers were forced to be there doing the job.
There have been cases of two sex workers that were roommates being accused of trafficking each other because the material aid of being roommates qualified them as traffickers. Or drivers employed by a sex worker to literally escort them to and from clients/airports to take them to and from the airport being busted as pimps and traffickers.
And of course, the whole thing about interstate travel turning sex work into trafficking is loaded with its own horseshit. It's just a reality for a sex worker that the "new girl in town" gets more business, so there's a huge financial incentive for the worker to occasionally do some business travel.
On top of that, when a brothel or organization gets broken up, frequently all the sex workers are offered deals where they have to say they were trafficked and go after the businesses organizers, seen as the "bigger fish".
For one layer worse, now hotels are being super, super hostile to "human trafficking" but really all their "warning signs" and policies are just meant to stop sex workers. So sex workers are forced increasingly to ply their trade in unsafe locations like cars / client accommodations instead of fairly safe hotels. Meanwhile, the hotels themselves ACTUALLY benefit the REAL human trafficking threat that we should be trying to address -- immigrant wage slavery. Because the hotels frequently are the ones subcontracting things like cleaning to incredibly shady sub-minimum wage exploitative employers that are doing actual trafficking-related stuff. So many of the very things that are causing REAL trafficking are using trafficking to attack sex workers for no reason other than puritanical bigotry.
There's infinitely more to say here, but I just can't do the whole thing justice. Here's a really good podcast episode on the subject that is sensitive and clear about how much nonsense there is in the current, widespread "trafficking" moral panic and how much harm it does compared to the good it preaches.
It's also "funny" that they go out of their way to put "mom" in the headline, in case there was any doubt about what they were trying to do.
How fucking stupid can you be? Have an actual expert teaching a subject and fire them for their practical experience. This is a person who not only understands the mechanics, probably better than most, but also the importance and the "how" of staying sexually healthy.
So is it the authors mom or why exactly does that part matter?
I guess it adds to the "it could be anyone!?" paranoia/hysteria. Who would've suspected a mom, of all people!
Hehe, yeah, I was asking so stupid to point exactly that out!
Imagine if the headline in 2020 was "Dad not re-elected as president."
What a weird framing.
So, she was fired from teaching sex ed because she most likely knows more about sex than most people?
I went to a private elementary school. We had a lady from Planned Parenthood come in to teach us sex ed to a remarkably sophisticated way for an elementary schooler. I don't remember a lot, but I do remember her demonstrating how to put a condom on using a clear plastic phallus.
I guess I'm old school, but I really don't want my daughter looking up to a prostitute or an OnlyFans woman as a role model.
Then you are indeed old school, because sex positivity is awesome. We have all seen dicks before and we have all seen vaginas before, people use these to make sex. We know that people close to us have had sex because we exist, everyone's dad has fucked everyone's mom. Get over it
These days you're not allowed to point out that sex work and workers are generally not icons of moral clarity or responsibility.
Sorry m8 your bad.
You're not. The majority of people feel that way, but it's mostly quietly though since saying otherwise publicly would be construed as being 'sexist/misogynistic/puritan/etc/etc'.
Only a tiny fraction of society actively engages in social media. Remember that.