Orson Welles Drunk Outtakes for Paul Masson Wine Commercial
Orson Welles Drunk Outtakes for Paul Masson Wine Commercial
Orson Welles Drunk Outtakes for Paul Masson Wine Commercial
AaaäAaaaHh…the…FRENCH. Champagne…
IIRC he was super jet lagged and had taken a sleeping pill to try to make time difference from where he was traveling to where the commercial was being filmed. Near the end he's much better and clearer as the pill had worn off over what we can assume are a few hours of takes.
It's still funny though in context.
The remix is a legit banger
Thanks jerma
Drunk Orson was probably easier to direct than sober Orson.
Edit, bonus content:
And Fal's link now makes much more sense :-)
Funny but also sad.
What's that emotion called?
I think it's just the two feelings, but in quick succession. Like an emotional dipthong. Or maybe even just simultaneously? Doesn't have to be a unified thing.
But I guess, 'tragicomic', or 'funny with pathos'.
I'm sure there's a German word for the emotion you're describing.