Nothing wrong. It was meant to be joke. I thought the ":-P" at the end was enough. But it seems people are too fixed in their ways to see it or I'm just that bad at humor...
Yes, in the name of re-educating them from their dirty Islamic faith.
Look, I'm atheist too (aren't we all) but I'm not far enough into the groupthink to think that atheism can take the asshole out of people. Every group has their fundies, and pretending that atheism somehow only turns people into hipsters is disingenuous.
Moreover, at the point that people make atheism part of their identity rather than just a void absent of religion, they have created an in-group and people who can be "adherent" to it. People can do things in the name of atheism, both good and bad, once they start seeing it as us-vs-them.
Which is a little ironic, since I feel part of what makes being an atheist so nice is that we can have a little more objectivity as to what makes and breaks belief groups in general.
To be fair the real atheist extremes are all bounded to countries like China, North Korea, the former soviet union, and tankies (who never go outside), so it's hard for most people to think about until they meet people from other parts of the world.
Also "The cult of reason" during the French Revolution, and I'm not even really saying those priests didn't have it coming. I'm an atheist, but I don't really think humanity would be any less violent if religion didn't exist.