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  • Whichever Jetbrains IDE is appropriate. I fell in love with Rider and wound up paying for their all-inclusive license. I've since made heavy use of Webstorm, CLion, and Datagrip professionally and personally.

  • JetBrains IDE all the way. Mostly Intellij Idea, WebStorm, CLion (for Rust) and PhpStorm. Once in a while Visual Studio Code for a quick text file edit.

  • Recently started using neovim with LazyVim and I'm enjoying it.

  • I mostly code in Python and for that I use PyCharm. For everything else I use VS Code.

  • Visual Studio

    Notepad++ for non ide stuff like data files and scripts.

    Occasionally Visual Studio Code. For mass text replace and some other tooling / envs.

  • These days I write Lisp code using the Medley Interlisp development environment. It's a vintage but amazingly capable environment that's being revived and modernized.

  • Whichever text editor is available, vscode, jetbrains for the language I'm using, firefox (jupyter notebooks), etc.

  • Used to be PyCharm but started switching to editors. This was accelerated when I started with Rust. Now I use Kate and Nano and sometimes Gedit