That's awesome. Yeah, definitely a rollercoaster for me, winter gets harder since walking was/is a big part of my routine. But even 25kg must feel great. I love feeling like I've kept some of the muscle, but lost a beer keg worth of extra weight every time I climb some stairs or carry something heavy.
If you don't mind, how did the Fitbit motivate you to be more active? I've been considering one for a while but it doesn't seem like something I'd have a lot of utility for
Two ways:
One, it kinda gamified it for me, just having a score, meant I could go for a high score on days when I had the time for lots of steps/exercise. They build some in too, like streaks and hitting goals.
Two, the HR monitor definitely helped me push harder in cardio workouts. Knowing when I hit my max, and when it started dipping made even short workouts feel more effective (even if they weren't, placebo FTW).
At first, solo, very solo. Like I'd even avoid my wife until I felt comfortable, because at my size (was over 300lbs) certain things were embarrassingly difficult. As I lost some, and more importantly found workouts that worked for me, I started venturing out, now I do a lot of group classes (dance stuff mostly). Even though I'm still often the biggest, I feel a lot better about myself overall so I enjoy it and I've found some very supportive studios with awesome vibes.