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  • Last time I needed new headphones for going out, I bought a Shockz bone conducting headphone.

    While the specific one I bought was the wrong choice (the Run I got is slick but needs a proprietary charging cable instead of the USB-C the Move uses, and they sound 100% the same), overall the concept is really good. I enjoy hearing people around me, for someone who more listens to podcasts and radio shows not music the quality is perfect, and I can wear these on my bicycle without having to worry I won't hear something.

    Also, since they don't sit in the ear not enclose it it's easy to semi-forget them there as they're so comfortable, no stuffed feeling or sweaty ears. I sometimes just use them at home instead of shifting a podcast onto the sonos speakers. Just easier.

  • Last generation emulation console (A*bernic). All history of video games up to PS1 in my pocket/backpack <3

  • A spring assisted, liner lock, pocket clipped, flipper knife.

    It is really useful to have a sharp blade in your hand less than one second after you think you need it.

    • Even a small knife is handy. Multitools are fine, but IME I only ever use the blade, and single-purpose knives are better at being knives than multi tools. My favorite knife is a MicroTech 70; I can carry it in any pants without it feeling bulky.

      Flippers are good too; I do like the clean lines on the MicroTech(s).

      • Maybe it's because I used multi tools, but I can't relate. At different points about 20 years ago, I carried a cybertool and a Leatherman (not at the same time). In both cases, I used the screwdrivers, very occasionally the pliers. I never used the blades, though. I honestly don't know when I'd want a knife. Certainly not for a daily carry.