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  • I think we're past the point of needing to sell a narrative about climate change. People don't need to look far to see already drastic effects within their own communities.

    What we need now is more storytellers! And more emotional stories!

    This is absolutely not what we need. The time for telling stories is over. Now we need to be organizing actual change.

    • I dont feel these things are mutually exclusive. Not everyone will be suited to contributing in the same ways, and I think drawing more people to our cause is an important part of continuing to push forward

  • What a worthless article, no offense to the poster. Full offense to the author. It comes off to me as saying activists for climate change aren’t doing good enough to advertise the issue.

  • I kind of agree, but we do need stories of what that change is so we don't end up with Ecofascism by accident.