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    • Long press the A button and it "searches" the area and gives you a list of interactable items in the area. Unfortunately, this system needs some polish because selecting items results in your character moving around to interact with items and this changes which other items are in range, and reorders others, but even with this I prefer this method.

      • I was going to suggest this too. Divinity 2 did searches with holding down the button too. And it will select everything in a radius around you that you can interact with and you just choose what you want and how to interact with it.

        I normally will select the book and then read. I may or may not pick it up. I only like valuable books quest related books.

    • Larian does controller support extremely well.

  • But instead of the PS5 I will play on my gaming PC. Move you character with the controller and the camera follows you.