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Games with characters you miss most after completion.

It's a bitter sweet feeling afterward, but I love it when a game has characters where, after the game is over, I miss seeing a part of their lives. Be it due to the characters themselves or the interaction they have with one another, exiting their world feels more like a loss than when normally putting a story away.

Are there any games where you experienced similar? While it can be a bitter sweet feeling, I know that it is a sign that I really enjoyed what I was playing and love to find these experiences.

  • Undertale is the game I want to experience for the first time again. Can't believe that game is already 8 years old. The music is brilliant. The characters are all compelling. The storytelling is stellar. The graphics.....they get the job done lol

    Napstablook was great. Especially once you find out who his neighbor was and a bit more about why he's so depressed. I lied on the floor with him for a solid 20 minutes on my first playthrough. Probably one of the best minor characters ever.

    ETA (four hours later lol): The Bioshock trilogy as well. Booker and Elizabeth are imo the best duo ever. Plus the twist in Infinite is a special kind of mind fuck.

  • I miss Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium. What a wholesome guy who had to put up with all of our BS.

  • I remember after playing Fable 2 for so long I kept looking down for my dog... I don't have a dog.

  • Undertale, definitely. FFX I was really attached to Auron. The Ace Attorney series? I get attached to characters so I feel like those are the tip of the iceberg.

  • Shenmue & Shenmue II

    Even before getting to the story characters I have such vivid memories of all the shop owners, random people and the streets themselves.

    • I'm very curious about these despite knowing that time hasn't been kind to them.

      • Some of the gameplay hasn't aged well but the look and feel of the game is still one of the greatest for me. The HD remaster from a few years ago is the best way to play.

  • Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice

    I found the premise of exploring the psyche of Senua and after the end, even though she isn't fixed, she can at least put a part of herself to rest and really rings home what she as a person and people like her can be living with.

    Spec Ops: The Line

    Getting through the game and then evaulating all your decisions and seeing the changes over time of a broken man getting more broken leaves an impression of "Are we the bad guys", especially after seeing the tone change from dialogue, loading screens and even how the characters move and animation over the course of the game.

  • I'd love to ride motorcycles with Deacon and Boozer from Days Gone and I don't even ride motorcycles IRL