What's your movie pitch idea?
What's your movie pitch idea?
What movie do you want made? If you got a pitch meeting with a producer and a guaranteed green light, what would you say?
What's your movie pitch idea?
What movie do you want made? If you got a pitch meeting with a producer and a guaranteed green light, what would you say?
Damn, looks like our suspicious are confirmed. Hollywood is genuinely out of ideas
No they're not. They have plenty of brilliant people with lots of creative ideas. The problem is that the suits would rather make the 20th sequel than take the tiniest bit of risk.
Speed 3, the moped that couldn't slow down.
Setting: Bangkok.
Starring Sandra Bullock and Bradley Cooper.
Villain is Ken Jeong.
4 guys in university put themselves though school by becoming hitmen. It all goes smoothly till a hit comes in on the Dean of their school.
Buddy cop movie starring Snoop Dogg and Jeff Goldblum but neither of them are given a script so they have to ad lib the whole thing.
I so hope someone in Hollywood is working on this
Sounds like Will Arnett's Murderville
The Bible as a Manga series by non-Christians or Christians with no need to soap it over. Raw and gritty in the way it was originally described. Old Testament level action stories.
So people strangely know the entire Bible without a hint of religion being demanded. Post-theology, post-religion in a way that people might understand the idea of an egalitarian world coming out of an absolute quagmire.
It's about a family which is under a curse that makes them die young. But it turns out the curse is actually just the millionaire family patriarch stealing organs from his descendants so he can live longer. And it ends with him locking himself in a panic room because his children and grandchildren form a mob to kill him. But what he doesn't know is that his emergency supply of immunosuppressants has been removed, so he dies a painful death as his body rejects its foreign parts while they have him trapped.
For legal purposes this is not based on the life of any actual living man with too much money who pumps out kids like it's his reason to live.
Downsizing, with the trailer being the pitch.
Nice try, Hollywood!
Well they have very clearly run out of ideas and the internet has very clearly made that obvious too so who better to ask right?
A set of interwoven stories, the main being a love story. At the very end, right as everything is coming together, the planet explodes and as the screen zooms out to show the death star next to a debris field music begins to play... looking for love in Alderaan places
The movie V/H/S 2 pretty much combines your ideas in a short called “A Ride in the Park”
Take a look at Warm Bodies.
Guaranteed green light? I'd say it's going to be a SURPRISE, I need an advance.
A sequel to Team America: World Police where Vladimir Putin is the main villain.
Bomb squad movie where the bombs are wired to Jenga towers.
An actual faithful adaptation of I Am Legend. It’s a short as hell book and could easily be adapted almost word for word and still be a reasonably short movie. Hollywood had multiple swings at it without even bothering to try and get the main story arc or the ending right (and no, I don’t think the Will Smith alternate ending was good).
I got an idea for a movie and it goes like this Check it out, it's about a boy who gets his finger caught In a bottle of Mr. Pibb
And they go on adventures I think it could be big Is it too soon to whisper Oscar?
I got an idea for a movie! It's about this guy... who wished and wished 'til it came true and now this kid can fly.
And we will have adventures, like the boy and his bottle did. Put a happy ending there and it'll write itself, I swear.
It's funny I just heard that song yesterday, it just popped up on my playlist. Hadn't heard it in years. Fucking love the vandal's lol.
I forgot one thing about the guy who gained the ability to fly, It was actually only for a foot or two and only an inch or so high...
A remake of murder on the orient express, except it’s in space and it’s the future.
Doctor Who did it
A reimagined Star Wars as if it was made by Stanley Kubrick.
Considering this is what my podcast is all about, it would be hard to pick just one.
Based off of a short little story a friend of mine wrote for a story he was working on. He agrees it would be cool, if done correctly.
The story first focuses on a bird spirit who lives in the mountains, early 1800s America, who gets shot in the beak with a bow and arrow by some Natives and ends up having to replace his beak with a wooden beak he makes on his own. He ends up messing up making the beak and it now only opens and closes when he takes a step, closing shut with a loud SNAP of the beak. This spirit, known under the regional name Wood Beak, used to let people know of its' presence by walking around a nearby town and people would only ever catch the silhouette of a human sized bird. Eventually people in the town start to go missing and they blame it on Wood Beak.
This next part is original and not based off of my friends work.
Fast-forward to modern day. The town has grown larger but is still a relatively small town. A couple of amateur online paranormal investigators come to the town in the middle of winter in order to film and document the Wood Beak disappearances. The majority of the town don't take the whole idea of Wood Beak being a paranormal being seriously and instead suggest it was just a serial killer playing a sick joke on the town. Eventually they meet a young adult Native who tells them that he wholeheartedly believes that Wood Beak was an angered spirit and that his ancestors never fully atoned for angering him. One night while up late in their hotel, the investigators hear what sounds like the sound of a wooden beak snapping shut. They run out to find the silhouette of Wood Beak. The next day, nobody believes them. This happens the next night as well and some other people who hear it blame the investigators, saying that they're just doing this so they can get views online. A few nights later and people start going missing again, like they did over 200 years ago. In the end it turns into a race against time to stop Wood Beak as the town slowly devolves into chaos.
BOOGIE DAYS. A BOOGIE NIGHTS prequel. Limited series. How did Jack get into the business? Where did he meet Maggie--and Little Bill? Eddie in middle school. Maurice's back story. Etc. One episode for each character?
Give Paul ALL the money to write and direct.
I'd watch the shit out of that show.
Writer can't think of anything so he turn to social media for ideas. He steals one, lands the job... hilarity ensues? Or maybe murder? Depends what's hot at the moment.
A "buddy cop" comedy movie starring Russell Crowe and Gerard Butler in which they're firefighters who have to actually, physically fight the fires with their fists.
A student film maker asks for movie pitch ideas on a popular social media forum and receives the perfect idea. The person responding is actually a rouge A.I. that coerces the OP into cowriting the movie script, which gets accepted by the movie production company. The rouge A.I. then infiltrates OP's life by making them famous online and rich and happy beyond their wildest dreams, only to be slowly taken away by the A.I. until OP is broke and living out of their car which only starts when the A.I. allows it to. OP dies in their car when the A.I. shuts the car off as the car is pulling up to train tracks. Woooooo Woooooooooo
A biography based on the life of Marcus Aurelius.
Side note, make Aurelius himself voiced by Peter Cullen.
A story of two people lost in a world of a deadly mist. Rumors of glowing people and otherworldly lights in the sky start to circulate in the small havens they call home. They start to notice they can hear the voice of the other person, as if they're right beside each other, and realize that not once have they ever been hurt. Not so much as a paper cut. Maybe the religious nuts that spewed on about Angel's and glowing beings that lives in their homes was right all along.
Buddy movie where instead of becoming furious with his wife for cheating on him, the husband just becomes good pals with his wife's boyfriend. Eventually the wife starts feeling left out as hijinks ensue. In a climactic scene, the boyfriend resists the wife's temptations in order to help with the new business he and the husband have started together, which leads to the two guys stopping a mass shooter. The two become heroes and best friends forever. It turns out that the would be mass shooter is an ex of the wife who didn't have a friend and just couldn't deal.
What if we made a Star Trek movie, but with a smaller 50-100M budget so we can gear it towards existing Star Trek fans instead of hiring JJ Abrams to churn out another generic summer Blockbuster with a thin veneer of Star Trek branding.
In this movie, there will be no violence and the ship won't even fire its' weapons. The script will be thought-provoking with a heavy focus on space and science interweaved with humanist philosophy where the crew overcome some sort of moral or ethical dilemma.
In other words... a Star Trek movie, for fans of Star Trek movies, made in the style of the first Star Trek movies.
GWAR the Motion Picture
I want a movie based on Perdido Street Station by China Mieville. I'd call it gritty steampunk fantasy. Basic plot of the book is a bird-man has been punished by having his ability to fly taken away from him. He goes to the city to find someome who might be able to make him fly again. The person he finds is a bit of a rogue scientist, and he researches flight at first by collecting flying critters, and things that will change into flying critters like caterpillars. He ends up accidentally getting ahold of a caterpillar that turns into a dangerous and terrifying flying critter.
There's a lot to the book outside of the above, such things as evil politicians, organized crime, strange drugs, a virus in steam-powered automatons that makes them self-aware, underground newspapers, a race of people that can make water into solid self supporting shapes, various different races of intelligent beings, and people who have been punished by having machinery or parts of animals magically attached to them, and in general a lot of good world building.
I'm waiting for an Edge Chronicles adaptation.
One day...
I want to make a movie about the smoothie shop that was robbed by high school students outside of Washington DC.
If you are here to steal ideas, I'll consider that as a win. I don't need millions of dollars. I know this is rich material for a heist movie.
A $200k horror movie that can be out in 3 months. It's about a serial killer who steals the teeth from his victims.
My script mixes highly defined characters, supernatural cosmic horror, and old world body horror. It's goes off the rails in terrifying and fun ways.
Ps: I actually have a script ready to go and have no hangups about scabbing.
Had me until the last sentence. Lots of folks out there who have problems with you scabbing, watch your fucking kneecaps pal.