We've come a long way baby
We've come a long way baby
We've come a long way baby
I feel like we’re regressing back to the Netscape Navigator/Internet Explorer browser war days, when browsers were openly and intentionally breaking functionality on competing sites.
You're right. It does have the same energy to it, doesn't it? But of course, it also feels like that kind of regression permeates nearly every layer of society now, which is really sad. We should get angry before it's too late.
Some of us have been fucking furious for over two decades now and it hasn't done shit except increase our blood pressure and having all the dumb fucking dimwits around us acting like we're crazy for being upset at how absolutely fucked things are.
I've been angry since my early twenties. I'm in my forties now and I'm still angry but guess what I'm fucking tired. Which is what the people in charge want, of course. They want us so broken by this system that we give up on fighting back because it's hard to fight back when you've been diagnosed with a fucking disease that will bankrupt you financially.
They have us right where they want us, and most people are too toothlessly uneducated to even fucking know it's going on and get so so upset when you get angry for good fucking reasons. "Please calm down" bullshit from motherfuckers enabling the shit streaming down our fucking faces. It's fucking lunacy.
Worse. We are directly headed for the Novel Messenger vs. Lotus Notes times.
Only the things you brought from your connector supplier will work.
Lotus Notes. NEVER AGAIN.
This comment brought the word GROUPWISE thundering back from the depths of my lower consciousness, where I had worked so hard to relegate it.
Also pushing pop-ups everywhere, except this time they're part of the site and we can't easily block them.
javascript was a mistake
I only use my programming for good. For instance Bat_Count.exe lets the user enter a number and then the Count from sesame street will count to this number and say “Ah ah ah!” at the end.
Not with that attitude. There is no reason we can't cultivate alternatives like PeerTube. No video platform starts with a massive library and if we actually want to take back our digital rights then we have to put our foot down and give a hard "no" to trading those rights away just because we really want to watch a particular creator on a corporate platform. It's the only way to not only stick it to Google but also let creators know that viewers will not tolerate the likes of Google.
I think the hosting is the real problem. For something like Lemmy where it's just text it's not too expensive, but when you need to store and stream videos for free I have to imagine most people wouldn't be able to afford that without charging for it and the moment you start charging you can't compete with YouTube anymore
Yeah, I'll let you know when anyone I watch even considers giving peertube a moment of consideration.
This is so much better because of the Geordi template.
Drake is a creep.
Ah it's the web so
await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 5000));
LGTM, Ship it!
clicks approve
This seems like a pretty dumb thing to do to try to wipe out a browser with 2% marketshare.
Obviously there a people in charge now who will never understand the Streisand effect. They could have kept it quiet and just... allow... the technical adept users to do their thing. Now, they are the laughing stock and get unwanted attention. Also, from my layman understanding, this shit won't fly in the EU at all.
Or, to say it differently: This is the best thing to happen to Mozilla in quite a long time and I'm a fan.
I'm guessing that it's a way for them to test if ads have been loaded after initial scripts have run, but I'm not going to dig into the code.
Honestly, the whole ads thing is missing the point. If you desired a public video hosting platform, that needs to be a tax-funded commons. Video hosting and streaming is very expensive. Similarly, users should be donating to keep Lemmy going:
As long as working around it is as easy as it is nowadays, I just think it's funny.
Funny, or pathetic?
Probably both.
marketing and bean counters drag down every good idea. That and the belief all the world's problems can be solved in one paragraph. I used to return a 5 second sleep for bad login attempts. Just to slow down the bots trying to brute force a login. video over increasingly cheap bandwidth for a screen the size of a postcard will soon be replaced with a simpler solution. This is progress. another one bites the dust.
I don't understand why people don't pay for YouTube premium. Best streaming service I pay for. No ad blockers required. When I watch YouTube at someone else's house the ads drive me nuts.
Fuck google that's why
100%. It's the principle of the thing. I don't care how good YouTube Red is, simply the fact that they pulled as much bullshit as they have in an attempt to sucker people into paying for it warrants a total and permanent boycott. What Google is doing is utterly unacceptable and I'm not going to reward them for abusing my digital rights.
You want my money Google? You already did. I bought a fucking pixel 8 pro because it's a goddamn amazing phone. Do the same with YouTube.
(a) because it's too expensive, and (b) it didn't take a lot of DDGing to find "why am I still getting ads with YT Premium" and it turns out there are a bunch of exceptions that the YTP page doesn't tell you about.
It's way too fucking expensive.
If it was less expensive and provided some privacy i would probably happily pay for it.
Because adblocking is free and if done right not detectable. I haven't had a single issue with ublock on youtube.
I used to pay for premium but they keep upping their prices. At this point ublock on computers + revanced on phone is best way to go. Premium features without paying a cent.
Agreed. I'm on a family plan and I find that I'm getting my money's worth, plus saving myself the headache of participating in this cat-and-mouse game.
I'm willing to bet the people who use adblockers and say "fuck Google" in this thread never considered donating to the developers of said adblockers for letting them dodge YouTube's fee.
I've been having an excellent experience with premium as well. I like knowing that I'm directly materially contributing to the people I watch. The only problem I have with YouTube premium lately is that it keeps trying to suggest fucking 8 hours long music streams to my TV and seems as though it's REFUSING to learn that I don't want to see that shit unless I'm deliberately searching for it. Get that shit the FUCK outta my feed. Otherwise, it's the way YouTube was meant to be used.
If I had my way though, I'd nuke YouTube's ad system from orbit and replace it with this: for ads, NO VIDEO, NO SOUND, ONLY A SLIDE SHOW, CONTAINING ONLY TEXT. 15 Slides or 15 Seconds, MAXIMUM, whichever runs out first. If the user clicks anywhere but the product link, it advances the slide or closes the ad. PERIOD.