American Voters in 2024:
American Voters in 2024:
American Voters in 2024:
"I think Biden is old and not my favorite, so I'll just stay home."
Meanwhile, Fascists are literally trying to create an oppressive dictatorship...
You'd have thought we'd have learned our lesson after 2016 but maybe not, which is goddamn terrifying.
I'm not American, but I'm definitely guilty.
"I feel like the Labour Party has lost its way, and their new leader just doesn't impress me..."
cue opposition party taking power.
Why don’t the wings let the plane hover like a helicopter? I’m just asking questions.
And do the wings really need to be that big? I've seen bumblebees and they have teeny little wings. I'm just saying, do your research!
+/- 50% of the USA is willing to vote for a dictatorship. The propaganda machine of the republicans is remarkably strong, or is it the Russians / Chinese again? The 2024 elections might be the last, real, elections for the USA.
And between "it could be worse" and "worse," a lot of people have stupid excuses to let things get worse.
Hah, no wings. Take that libtards.
if only there was some place for me to express myself without reality repercussions so that I could get the feeling of "emperor has no clothes" but without all the problems of assembly and protest!
hey ... wait a minute!
Libshit for enforcing the status quo.
WARNING. This person is being disingenuous and is arguing in bad faith.
Their purpose here is to get you to engage so they have more space to spread their propaganda. Don't fall for it.
I commend you for trying.
The only thing that voting can effect is status quo or fascists who want to make it so you can't even vote on that.
Sure, take other actions to enact change. Protest, join activist organizations, start a mutual aid group in your area, convince your coworkers to join a union, etc. Your vote is only good for these two options though, and it takes little effort to use it.
It's like saying people shouldn't protest because it's unlikely to change anything, or people shouldn't join a union because it won't destroy capitalism. Everything is part of something bigger, and choosing to just not participate in one part that you don't like because it makes you feel like you did something (while doing literally nothing) doesn't help.
What other activities do you participate in? Are you involved in unions or other unionization efforts? Do you organize protests? Do you actually do anything, or just tell people to not take the smallest effort action they can?