made an addendum to this liberal meme i saw floating around lefty reddit
made an addendum to this liberal meme i saw floating around lefty reddit
made an addendum to this liberal meme i saw floating around lefty reddit
Daily reminder that more Bernie supporters voted for Hillary in 2016 than Hillary supporters voted for Obama in 2008.
25% percent of Hillary supporters switched parties, coining the slogan "party unity my ass"
A decade later they would spend 2 election cycles blaming people who didn't support her in spite of her doing everything g she could to pass them off.
I like how this backs up the liberal assumption that your vote is somehow worth two votes because not voting also somehow gave an extra vote to the Republican.
Voting Democrat: 1 vote for the Democrats
Voting Republican: 2 votes for the Republicans
Not voting: Somehow 4 votes for the Republicans
Not being a registered voter: 20 votes for the republicans
Not voting for the Democrats because you criticize them from the left: 8,000 votes for the Republicans
it's just electoral science :nate-silver:
Never voting: not even permitted to comment, by rules of lib civility
Not voting: Somehow 4 votes for the Republicans
I've been told that literally the only thing I can ever do to hope to express political opinions is to vote, seems like anything other than the action that is like voting the most would be irresponsible.
The most infuriating thing about electorism obsessed libs shame tactics, is that they somehow imagine that its all going to come down to one vote. Which has not only never happened, but is even more ludicrous in the massively anti-democratic presidential elections
any election that comes down to a margin anywhere near that gets decided by lawyers
or by Brooks Brothers customers
Gets decoded by lawyers, republicans scream "fuck you, no" and them dems go "aw shucks" and give up
is that they somehow imagine that its all going to come down to one vote
hey what happened last time it actually did come down to a handful of votes?
but it didn't actually iirc.. there were so many schemes going on just to get it to the point where it seemed like it was an even split..
florida adding tens of thousands of people to the felon list who had never been charged with or convicted of any felonies.. votes were lost.. hanging chads... what a goddamn circus this country is
Nine voters in black robes
I often hear them say "if you don't vote for our guy, it's a vote for the other guy!". It's like a child's approach to politics. If I don't fucking vote, it's literally just that. Not a vote.
"Good news, I'm also not voting for Trump which means I AM voting for Biden unless what you justbsaid is bullshit. Which means actually I'm voting twice without breaking the law, why aren't you excercising the most important right given to you and voting twice by not voting for wither person. Do you not care about democracy?
tbf it’s less about your individual vote and more about the entire bloc of leftists who won’t vote for Biden. e.g. if Biden loses by 1000 votes and there were 2000 leftists who refused to vote, it’s obviously their fault.
I think the most infuriating thing is that a full calendar year before the elcti9n thenlibs have already realized they're making the same mistake again and instead of doing anything other than running the exact same playbook they're just making web comics where their opponents are blue haired effeminate weirdos and already blaming them for not voting hard enough.
Having the red guy still win when the blue guy gets more votes would make it more accurate to american "democracy"
Oh, you think the bombardment of Gaza is bad? What if it was happening under a president that handled the situation exactly the same but didn't kind-of-sort-of pretend to feel bad about it? Does that sound like the kind of world you want to live in?
The only difference is that if Trump were president every elected Democrat would have "from the river to the sea" in their bio.
But since it's a dem president they just tell those same protestors to shut up because they're hurting their electoral chances.
Biden isn't remotely pretending to feel bad about it
So about those times the popular vote winner actually lost the election?
The original premise(the lib meme?) is dumb to begin with.
You simply cannot fathom the magnificent wisdom and vision of the Founding Fathers
Look the person in one of the Dakotas who doesn't think climate change is real because he slid into a ditch when he tried to drive drunk last week because there was an icy spot, their vote counts for several times as much as any climate scientist with a degree who lives in a blue state.
If you think there's something wrong with this you just don't understand how politics works.
This also completely ignores the fact that it just doesn’t fucking matter for 99% of people. nothing ever gets better. “Nothing fundamentally will change.”
Really don't understand why there isn't stronger support for the president who explicitly told young voters "nothing will fundamentally damentally change" and "I have no sympathy for problems faced by young people"
Clearly it's because they don't understand politics is voting for people who constantly tell you to go fuck yourself because otherwise they won't make as much in consulting fees.
The Republican should still win even if smugman votes democrat because the electoral college means his state doesn't matter
This discourse is fucking unbearable. Thinking that voting is "what everything comes down to" in politics and therefore harassing the far left for not wanting to vote for genocide joe is just wrong and cringe. At the same time insisting on not voting is predicated on that action mattering at all in the first place. Either that it's somehow a way of moving the democrats to the left or that your mortal soul will be tarnished for the sin of voting for a lesser evil.
I know that's very edgy aloof take but I'd rather not be wasting any bandwidth even thinking about national electoralism.
It’s not edgy at all, you are correct. Electoralism in the US takes the wind out of progressive movements. It replaces direct action with campaigning and “letting the system work” until any progressive momentum has dissipated.
Leftists should literally stop talking about elections as if they aren’t happening. Vote for whoever you want, it does not matter. I want to know what you (figurative “you”) are doing in real terms of organizing and direct action, not who you voted for to ostensibly do those things on your behalf. I don’t say this from a moral high ground btw, I really should do more myself, but I at least understand the reality of my laziness and I’m not going to be phone banking or whatever the fuck next November.
My point is insisting on not voting is still unproductive engagement in electoralism. You can do productive electoralism, but you don't focus on the actual vote. You can take the pretense of canvassing for candidate to do a mass line and adjust your org's strategy accordingly. Or use phonebanking to build a roster of sympathetic neighbors. Or you can discuss strategy with new naive political activist. Electoralism can be done correctly but it requires a certain balance of cynicism and optimism which is hard but can be very bountiful.
GOOD meme, now do a 3rd iteration with the commie guy voting in the 2022 Donbass referendums
Or even the pre-2014 Crimea leading up to Euromaidan
Tell them they have to vote for Jill stein because it's her turn.
And then really put your foot down and demand why that isn't a viable reason anymore.
My other favorite is when they say if you aren't voting for Biden you're voting for Trump.
Tell them you also aren't voting for Trump, which means you are voting for Biden (unless that thing they just said was horseshit) so effectively you're voting twice without breaking any rules, and ask them why they're only exercising half of their right to vote compared to you.
That last one doesn't land on libs because in their mindset Republicans winning is like the default. It's like the natural flow of how America works, but Democrats are like the counter balance to assert liberty or freedom or whatever. So they believe any neutrality is inherent support for Republicans.
I saw the meme too and I think the best way you can change it is making the blue guy win, you still get fascism (so same as your post) but then in 4 years you get supercharged fascism because the Chuds were mad the blue guy wasn't fascist enough, and no one did absolutely anything to oppose the blue guy out of fear red guy wins.
"Hmm Today I will donate all but $1 of my net worth to the Biden-Harris 2024 Campaign"
"Biden loses by a single vote(which been could've been captured if they had $1 more to spend on an advertisement), causing vast amounts of harm which easily exceed the value of $1"
this meme is too french
shit I'm not even going to vote labour at the next election can't imagine voting democrat
I've given people strokes by blaming the lesser evil people for the current situation. I always say if they bit the bullet and didn't vote for one election during the 80's they would have forced the dems to stop being so shit but now they've lesser eviled themselves into just evil. Flip the script and watch them flounder.
Of course it wouldn't matter because communists are not turning elections regardless but they either have to admit your vote doesn't matter or lesser evil voting is stupid.
Can't believe these uppity slaves won't put their full respect and support behind their slavemaster, don't they know that there are worse slavemasters???
Accelerationism is the greatest lie communists ever invented
Accelerationism is when you aren't ridin' with Biden.
Liberals come in all smug about how they know better when the only meaningful difference between most of 'their guys' and most conservatives is that 'their guys' are corporate sellouts who think companies should be allowed to make ads that show gay people and minorities
While those companies use literal slavery outside the US, and the Supreme Court just shrugs and says "we're a smol bean country that doesn't have any jurisdiction here since it's happening outside our borders even though the perpetrators all have addresses here" by a 8-1 majority (the lone dissenter being a fucking chud that thinks the court should have been MORE on the side of the slavers)
But yeah no, condescend more libs, between that and Roe disappearing under a Liberal Presidency and legislature, there's lots of reasons to vote lib
Like if I want to proclaim myself a loser that cares but not really
accelerationism is when you don't vote for people who support genocide
accelerationism is when you don't vote for people with ::: spoiler spoiler credible allegations of SA ::: against them
How does this relate to the meme
Hey what were the results if the 2016 popular vote?
Define accelerationism.
I don't see a lot of communists talking about voting for Trump so things get worse to trigger a revolution.
What I see a lot of is people refusing to support genocide just because the person pulling the trigger is wearing a blue tie.
For Christ's sake, add something to clarify your own stance on the topic before talking like this. It'll just turn into the exact argument we always have otherwise.
accelerationism isn't what you think it is
oppa gangnam style