The mass shooting last month in Maine — perpetrated by an Army reservist allowed to keep his guns reportedly bought days before he underwent psychiatric evaluations due to his erratic behavio…
This is such a bullshit article. Yeah the NRA is a terrible organization and there are a lot of reasons to attack them. But attacking the educational, gun safety and shooting sports programs that they offer or fund is complete bullshit and is detrimental to the public good.
This is like saying we shouldn’t offer driving classes because one day a student might get into an accident.
So glad to see the NRA are finally training the kids. It’s always been obvious that the main reason for school shootings is that the children have been failing to protect themselves. After all, more adults with guns has greatly reduced the number of adult shootings, because why wouldn’t it? Good guys with the guns always stop bad guys with guns.
I'm as anti-NRA as anybody, but 4-H teaching kids to shoot is not a big deal. I taught at a high school in Los Angeles that used to have a shooting range. It also had a marching band. Both are gone. Cutbacks, focus on the required classes, no money for frilly electives.