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  • Glasses.

    I hate the idea of putting anything in my eyes

    • My first wife would get this thing about every 3 years or so where a contact would migrate around to the back of her eye. This would then be followed by about an hour of her trying to get it back front-and-center. Just the thought of it is enough to horrify me.

      • Like it goes under the eyelid? That is quite terrifying to look at, but it can’t go all the way behind the eye because of the way the eye is structured. It stops like at the top of the eye.

    • I've never really been able to use eye drops and when I've tried my eyes would reflexively close. I don't get how people can handle putting contacts in regularly

      • Use eye drops on the outside opening of your eye ducts. Turn your head to let gravity pull the drops in an blink 2-4 times. Don't try to use eye drops from the front and above.

  • Glasses.

    I don't mind wearing contact lenses, but I don't like having to do it every day when I wake up. And don't even get me started on having to take off the contact lenses when you get home after partying and drinking.

  • I prefer contacts but wear both contacts and glasses depending on the day. I like the flexibility and overall ease of contacts, but some days I just wear glasses to give my eyes a break. I have astigmatism. Glasses especially have a bending effect around the periphery that’s annoying to deal with that contacts simply don’t have for me.

  • Glasses, I hate putting in and removing my contacts. Also hate how they feel in my eyes. Besides, I think I look better in glasses anyway. I only wear contacts whenever I'm doing sports.

  • Glasses, I never could get the hang of contacts. Plus I can have lenses in my glasses that change with the amount of sunlight - I'm not organized enough to keep track of sunglasses.

  • I prefer eyeglasses. However, I find contact lenses convenient and flexible (pun unintended). I can move about and do things without much worry with contact lenses on, but not so much with eyeglasses.

    On the other hand, it's easy to fall asleep with contact lenses on, which is a dangerous thing. There's also the risk of contact lenses doing damage to one's eye, such as through unclean hands handling contact lenses, improper cleaning, leaving contact lenses on for too long, or dust particles getting stuck between the contact lens and one's cornea.

    Eyeglasses might not be as convenient as contact lenses, but it's a lot safer. It's also a good backup when one can't use contact lenses for some reason.

  • Contacts. I use daily disposables because I can’t feel them at all. β€œ14-day” contacts were more like 3 days of comfort, 4 days of feeling noticeable, and 7 days of feeling like a rock in my eye. (I cleaned and soaked them daily as directed with many different types of solution, asked the optometrist for instructions, and followed their instructions exactly.) With contacts, I actually have peripheral vision. The feeling of looking past the frame/rim always gave me eye strain, and even rimless glasses couldn’t change how the blur around the edges was a constant distraction.

    I have glasses for just in case, and wear them in the evening after washing my face (which gets the contacts wet and crispy no matter how tightly I squeeze my eyes shut). But I really can’t stand glasses for more than an hour or two a day. Every pair I’ve ever worn has two modes: tight enough to stay on but give me a pressure headache, or loose enough to avoid headaches but I tense my scalp and face to keep them on and they still fall off when I look down or turn my head too quickly.

  • I used to prefer contacts, but I am an idiot, and kept forgetting to blink (yeah, that’s a thing), so I would get dry-eyes. So I told my eye doctor I am too stupid to wear contacts, and I have been using glasses ever since. While I miss the freedom contacts affords, I do not miss dry-eyes and the related fatigue.

  • Glasses during work week.. I look at a variety of distances and screens. I have progressives. Contacts on the weekend, break out readers for the phone.

  • I prefer progressive lenses when working (mostly at a computer) and contacts when I'm off work and out and about in the world.