Blade Render v0.2 release
Blade Render v0.2 release
Check out Blade: it's a purely ray-traced renderer, with asset pipeline and egui integration, built on top of a thin low-level GPU abstraction.
I've just released blade-graphics-0.3, blade-render-0.2, and other associated crates. I believe it's now usable externally, and I'm dogfooding it myself.
Major rendering additions:
- tangent space generation and normal mapping
- spatio-temporal reservoir resampling (ReSTIR)
- environment map importance sampling, it can load EXR and HDR
- Spatio-temporal variance-guided de-noising (SVGF)
In addition, shaders are now considered assets and can have includes, shared enums and bitflags with your Rust code. The "scene" example is practically a scene editor: it allows dropping new objects, manipulating them via egui-gizmo, in addition to configuring the rendering.