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What is the autumnal feast based around in the UK ?

Is there some sort of fall holiday that I am ignorant of for the English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Manx, Picts, Italian, et cetera, to gather and chow with the family over the harvest ?

i've hears some people in the UK say that their family can traced to the Roman invasion so I count them as Italian.

  • i’ve hears some people in the UK say that their family can traced to the Roman invasion so I count them as Italian.

    There's family trees that go via Priam of Troy back to Adam and Eve but they ain't no Trojans. The best you can usually manage is getting back to some Norman robber barons and there's a few ways to get back to some of the later Anglo-Saxon kings but you need to tag on to a well-researched noble family. Getting back to Rome... Not with paperwork.

    My Y DNA is found in its highest concentration in northern Italy but that's because it's Gaulish and my male line presumably arrived in the British Isles ahead of the Romans but quite what the timeline is remains unclear while DNA testing for non-medical purposes in a lot of western continental Europe is not allowed.