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We No Longer Need a Big Carrier’s Wireless Plan. Discount Ones Are the Way. /2023/11/15/technology/personaltech/we-no-longer-need-a-big-carriers-wireless-plan-discount-ones-are-the-way.html

P.S. Some of the 'big' carriers, now and then, offer much less expensive 'plans'. Some event beat the prices in this article, if your 'Data' needs are limited.

  • Problem is, of course, that most of these discount carriers are owned by the big ones. Cricket is AT&T, and Mint is what, Verizon now?

  • I've been eyeing MVNO plans for awhile now. I bought a 3 month trial of Mint on a spare phone and it seems to work OK. But I've heard enough horror stories that I'm still very hesitant of porting my main number over. Downtime is unacceptable especially for key services like SMS.

  • If anyone didn't know, APC applies to internet, and it will save $30 a month. I think it's the last year though, unless they extend it or make a new one.

  • I've had ATT prepaid for me and the other 3 in my family and with all of us it's about $100/month. We don't need unlimited since everyone is almost always connected to wifi. Also they roll over unused data up to 30gb. The wife and I have 25gb plans and the kids have 5gb plans and we can use those for tethering too. Been on it for over 4 years now...

  • I'm on US Mobile paying $18 for 6gb per month. Was in Madrid, Spain for almost 2 years during the pandemic and paid €15 on Vodafone for even more. And it rolled over so I eventually had around 100Gb.

    • Hey, me too! I was there the same time as you and had pretty much the same plan. I never once thought about my data usage.