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I've had problems with roommates on the spectrum that I rent out to who seem to think that they should ask for explanations of rules as a way of trying to argue. Normally I'd assume they're just trying to be jerks and look for backdoor ways of arguing or "concern trolling," but I'm open to the slim possibility that they don't actually understand or this is their way of trying to discuss it.

They also try to argue and play lawyer games when it comes to guilt. If I see a plate in their room, they're getting fined for eating in there. It doesn't matter if it was someone else because they allowed it.

It occurred to me that they might genuinely not understand what is going on.

  • Your roommates are not concern trolling. Autistic people generally have a hard time trying to accept rules that don’t make sense to them, and will question why they exist.

    To be completely honest with you, the rules you mentioned don’t make any sense to me, either. Are you sure these people are your roommates and not your tenants?

  • I had a comment up here. I thought I was misreading the part about you fining your roomate. But after reading these other comments..

    OP please explain what you mean by that. I assume you don't mean your demanding actual money in these cases. Because as the comments point out thatd be very inappropriate.

    With my own roomate if they leave a plate out they'll get a lecture at most. I know they don't intend malace with such things it's just part of their adhd. They'd do better if they could.

    I dont know your roommates circumstances, but can't imagine a scenario where not putting a plate away is an act if malace against you.

  • How about giving us a list of all the rules they're expected to follow, so we can understand the bigger picture?

  • If your tenancy agreement with them is repeatedly getting broken by them disregarding your rules, kick them out.