Perfectly balanced
Perfectly balanced
Perfectly balanced
One does not simply pick their favourite Lord of the Rings movie…
Honestly it gets marathoned with the extended editions everytime I sit for a watch. It's all one book, so why not one big 12 hour movie? Lol
I'm partial to The Two Towers because Helms Deep is amazing and it blew my 9 year old mind when I saw it in theaters. But they're all fantastic movies.
Yeah I never really remember where the movies start or end. It's really a part 1, part 2, part 3 thing.
Unironically, I refuse to see them as individuals. If they told self contained stories it would be okay to choose, but as a whole story it doesn't make sense to pick
Tried to think of a "favorite" and just can't. They all blew my little mind in equivalent ways. Fellowship is such an amazing start to the trilogy. Towers has Helms Deep and everything else. And Return is a mind blowing finale. They're all so goooood.
Rings of power better than all of those.
That is also low quality fish
Listen man I actually thought RoP was decent but God damn that's very incorrect.
There's two of us!
,\s for those who think this wasn't sarcasm