Oil painting of the Ent attack on Isengard
Oil painting of the Ent attack on Isengard
There are so many different portrayals of what an ent looks like. Some look like shaggy humans. Others look like creatures composed of intertwining branches. This one just straight up puts arms, legs, and a face on trees.
This is the attack on Isengard. Saruman had a big section of forest cut down and that ended up really upsetting Treebeard and the other ents.
It's kind of a theme in Lord of the Rings that various factions need to be roused to fight Sauron. The ents only do it after seeing their forest destroyed. The eagles only help out when the whim takes them apparently. Theoden needs a lot of convincing and to help out Minas Tirith.
I originally was going to use the close up picture of this, but I like pictures that highlight that these are real paintings made by someone with a surface, paints, and a brush. Nothing wrong with digital images, but there's just something amazing to me about the ability to make an image out of paint without benefit of all the conveniences we have in an image editor.
This oil painting was made by Justin Gerard.