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  • As far as I can tell:

    • age <16: "Oh boy, I can't wait to be an adult and do whatever I want!"
    • age 16-19: "Look at me! I'm an adult! I'm the adultiest adult that ever adulted!! I reject all that is childish and embrace all that is totally-grown-up! Middle ground is for losers! I need everyone to know how ADULT I am and approve of it!!"
    • around 20-ish: "....fuck. I'm an adult. I have responsibilities. I have to do taxes. Why does everything cost money?"
    • 25+: "I have legit no idea what being an adult is supposed to be like, but I'll figure it out one day ... I hope. Also my back hurts and I have a favorite spoon and lost the lid of 2/3 of my tupperware."
    • 45+: "I'm an adult. I can do whatever TF I want. Ohh you want to convince me that videogames and cartoons are "too childish" for someone my age? Go ahead and sue me, lol."


    I'm nearing that last stage and I honestly care less and less about what being an adult is supposed to be like. The world is already a shitty enough place without ruining your own fun on arbitrary grounds like stuff being "too childish for your age" or the pressure to have found your purpose in life by a random age. I stopped trying to find "my calling" or a bigger meaning in life and just enjoy the ride instead. Not everyone is predestined to achieve some groundbreaking milestone in history. Maybe my purpose in life has always been to be that weird funny uncle that cracks insufferable puns at the worst times but actually listens to problems of loved ones, no matter how trivial they may seem. Maybe just winging it without actually knowing what the end result will be ... is perfectly fine. It is okay to not know everything. It is okay to have silly little hobbies. It is okay to be a bit awkward. And it is okay to feel a bit lost sometimes. Adults are just old children with a driving permit.

    Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

    • Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

      So much this!

      I see myself a bit in all those stages, but i don’t think i ever really ever (temporarily) outgrew “childish” things. Always liked cartoons, always read comics, always played games, and always told those that chided me for not growing up to fuck off. Now entering my 50s, the biggest difference is that people don’t have the courage to bother me about it anymore (and in the rare occasions when they do they don’t argue back after being told off :P )

  • I feel like a decaying 16 year old.

    • I feel like a decaying 16 year old.

      So much this. You don't get old, you break down.

      Your mind still thinks you're young, and then gets rudely reminded of the truth from time to time, that reminder coming more often as you wear down more.

      • Wake up, Jump out of bed excited for the day.

        Horrific crunching noise from your knee, and a snap from your back that sounds like an industrial 3 foot thick rubberband snapping quickly bringing you back to reality as you collapse against the foot of your bed in agony. shaky hand reaching desperately for the tylenol and bottle of water you keep on your nightstand just for this moment, before hobbling into the bathroom to take the first of several morning shits, each more horrific than the last.

        The spirit is willing, but the flesh is decrepit and aged beyond usefulness.

    • One day you'll feel like a decaying 30 year old 😌

  • Its not just you, everyone waking up , going to work is pretending. Thats what adult life looks like. You pretend to keep your boss happy, society happy and people around you happy.

  • People glorify adulting as some kind of ultimate maturity for ones self. It is not that. Adulting is predicting what can and won't be your life. Surviving better each day. While also keeping after yourself in a healthy manner.

    We are always growing until we die. Adulting is accepting what can be and what can't be and living with yourself.

    Perceive reality as it is and accept the successes and failures along the way.

    One day you will see people for what they are and are not. That day your awareness of the world will change.

    I've noticed it has become easier to see liers as I've gotten older and mentally ill people.

    • "I've noticed it has become easier to see liers as I've gotten older and mentally ill people."

      Sometimes I wonder if we are all mentally ill. Some might say those thoughts stem from depression or such but it makes more sense to me that sanity is a spectrum where 0 and 10 are near unreachable. We make decisions that won't help ourself, but we excuse it because we think it will make us happy at the time. Chasing happiness ultimately seems like an act outside of sanity.

      • I believe it is easier to see mentally ill people because I was depressed at one point and noticing the behaviors is easier. While I don't subscribe to the "we are all mentally ill" frame of mind, I do believe that it is a good majority of humans.

        I believe that chasing happiness is ultimately impossible. However, being happy with ones self and coming to terms with your reality and accepting what you can and cannot change is possible. Do not dwell on what you cannot change and change what you can.

        I have noticed through my own actions and the action of others that we limit ourselves through self sabotage. If we sabotage ourselves and stop ourselves from actually failing then we already know the outcome and cannot be more discouraged than if we actually try. This is why I say accept failure and learn from it. "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life" -Jean-Luc Picard

  • In my experience, pretending you know what you're doing is what being an adult is.

    School/experience is getting enough background to fake it without blowing anyone up in the process.

    Being a good adult is taking responsibility for the things you did without knowing what you were doing.

  • Oh, I didn't make my bed and the world didn't explode. Seriously, does anyone clean their house to the extreme your parents did? We only do if someone is coming over.