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  • Aye, I used to sail the high seas, the hull of my ship gnarly with viruses, adware and malware from some infectious crackers or key-generators.

    Then I had money, and started buying my software and my movies and all was good for a time. Then my media consume shifted to mobile devices, but I had Amazon Prime Video as the only really available video-streaming service around and all was good for a time. Then I added Netflix, as it arrived on my countries market and all was good for a time. Then I added Crunchyroll, Disney+ and Hulu and everything sucked, streaming the shows I wanted to watch was suddenly so expensive, no single streaming service had everything I wanted to watch, so I needed to subscribe to them all, costing an amount of money I would not spend on buying those shows.

    Now I have unsubscribed from all but two again, but the market is so fractured, there is barely anything interesting on the services I still go to.

    So my eyes keep wandering to that old tricorn, the hook and peg-leg, gathering dust on the wall. I can hear the waves crashing and feel the tide rising in my bones. The moneybags have decided to press us for more and more, their greed means no single harbor, not even two are enough to supply our demands. So there is plenty of bounty to be found on the high seas again, big fat galleons full of content otherwise unreachable or too expensive.

    Doncha hear it boys? Davey Jones is singing again, calling us back to the sea, put on your VPN, defy the torrents and right your compasses with a good magnet. We did not choose this life, they made us turn to it.

  • I'm well over 25 years of sailing now (40 if you count games for early PCs), and they'll pry the sabre out of my cold, dead hands. I've made not watching ads a lifestyle and piracy is so much easier than dealing with the bullshit interfaces of streaming companies.

    If I have a way of directly donating to creators and not via their shitty production companies, I'll take it. Podcasts have it right, I can send money to creators and get an ad-free stream. If I can't, I don't donate and I don't listen to their work.

    In the end, me avoiding ads isn't costing anyone anything, because if I hear an ad, I likely avoid that product going forward. They have at best zero effect on my buying decisions, if not a negative one.

    • I'm a lot like you in a way, and I agree with what you said, but I just wanted to note that you are NOT invulnerable to marketing or ads. Advertisement (brainwashing) techniques have been researched for centuries, and with massive resources. I think even the very thing where some people think they can't be affected by marketing, is a marketing technique itself. Probably.

      • Possibly, but I encounter very, very few ads. So I might take a chance heard product and research it into a purchase, but I'm not going to do the "seven exposures and they're sure to buy" sort of thing.

  • When i search roku for a movie made in 1969 and its $9.00 to rent or 15 to "buy" on their shitty platform......

    Ahoy, matey

  • I will torrent the latest movie, but I will buy the latest album from my favorite band directly off Bandcamp. Might even buy a t-shirt or some stickers.

  • From Limewire to QBitorrent, I've been sailing since I've had a computer.
    It's crazy that people aren't aware of the alternatives out there, when all it takes is a little googling. But I guess that's just a sign that the likes of Netflix and Spotify have a stranglehold on mainstream consumers though

  • The only "pirating" I do these days is using real debrid and I think that's the lightest pirating you can do since I since have to pay although an extremely small amount compared to a traditional streaming service.