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PocketQuest 2023 /browse.php

Drivethrurpg did another game jam. PocketQuest 2023 had a theme of space. Has anyone tried any of the games? I have a few I've been thinking of picking up. Critical Press Media's youtube channel has put up video reviews for some of the entries.

Star Crew and First Contact attracted my attention due to the Star Trek like setting.

The Paths Between the Stars allows you to read the whole thing with the preview. I haven’t seen the Tricube Tales system before. I think it is a little too lite on gameplay for me.

I did look at the description for Bread Space because I was confused as to what it could be. A cooking contest in space sounds odd.

Expedition to Darakon Island has a nice cover and the idea of illustration being part of the gameplay is interesting (even if I’m bad at art).

My entry into PocketQuest 2023 is Brick Exoframe. You play as a someone in power armor. You can shoot off components of enemies and replace your components. It is designed to be used with Lego bricks (or compatible toys). It includes instructions for a basic space marine design and has images of various modified versions.


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