Imagine thinking Destiny and Vaush are the best commentators on the left
Imagine thinking Destiny and Vaush are the best commentators on the left
Imagine thinking Destiny and Vaush are the best commentators on the left
What kind of social-chauvinist loser highly ranks the opportunists (e.g. Vaush, Cody, Natalie) who went full popular-frontist, critically endorsing Biden and tarring independent socialist supporters with the same ultraleft brush as the strict electoral abstentionists (while still putting the anarchist Thought Slime in a mid-high tier)?
Who puts women with much better politics (e.g. Mexie, and Lily Orchard to a lesser extent) in bottom tiers with Peter Coffin?
What the fuck is Jreg doing here at all when he's the Political Compass subreddit in YouTuber form and known magnet for fascist recruiters?
What kind of person knows this many media personalities? Either you can't hold all of them in your head or you're gonna make room by diverting power away from critical functions.
So many cartoon characters.
Also very white.
Imagine caring about irrelevant micro celebrities on the internet.
Uh, sir, this is ChapoChat, what else do we have to do but discuss how great Fallout New Vegas is and debate China?
Why does anybody give a shit about people who just sit in front of a camera for three hours at a time and upload whatever they recorded like you could be watching DuckTales or spending time with friends and loved ones or planting a garden or reading what are these people doing with their lives?
I only watch them while working on other things