What's an old meme that you miss?
What's an old meme that you miss?
For me it's awkward penguin, forever alone, overly attached girlfriend, rage wojak (fuuu)...
What's an old meme that you miss?
For me it's awkward penguin, forever alone, overly attached girlfriend, rage wojak (fuuu)...
Flash animutations in general. Jamezbond or Arfenhouse come to mind - that kind of style.
I probably would not find them funny at this point, though.
There was a time when the internet was both very creative and not focused by money, people just made and shared; be it games, animations, videos, etc...
I'm pretty tired of the hustling economy and how it seems that every single creative output goes towards Patreon, onlyfans, becoming an influencer..
Honestly, that's the biggest thing that attracted me to fedi. In a lot of ways, it feel like the old internet, where people make and share things out of passion instead of for commerce. Not to say there's not people pushing their Patreon or OF on Fedi, cause there def are and I have nothing against that per se, but I am hopeful we get to see a renaissance of that magical era of the internet someday.
Yessss! Came here to mention the animutations. Was gratified somebody beat me to it.
Saw a video on the history of stick fighting animations the other day and I miss it so much
Yes, same. I went back and watched a bunch of old flash animations that I found hilarious back in the day, and they did not hold up. lol Funny how drastically my sense of humor has changed over the years.
I will say, though, Homestar Runner? Particularly Strongbad Emails? Still hilarious.
A while back I showed Arfenhouse to a gen-Z student of mine who was curious about what early-00's Internet culture was like. Prior to that I hadn't watched it myself in so, so long.
Yet the whole time it was going I was wondering what about it I found funny even as a teen. Should've stuck with The Demented Cartoon Movie, which I do still enjoy even now, though less so.
I also noticed that certain trends in that style of humor (mainly the absurdism) are carried on in things like, say, Tim and Eric's stuff, particularly Tom Goes to the Mayor (which on lookup actually came out in '07 -- I thought it was more recent than that, but nope...!), which I love so dearly that it's basically a core part of my personality. I guess what I'm saying is that it comes as no surprise that my sense of humor evolved in that direction.
O shit, here comes dat boi
You want to know why I love dat boi? Dat boi is a completely self-made meme. So many other memes are based in nostalgic childrens shows, funny faces, relatable situations, or references. Not dat boi. Dat boi is completely absurd. It's a low-res frog on a unicycle, and an arbitrary method for greeting him. The first person to ever upvote dat boi did not do so out of recognition. The first person to ever upvote dat boi did not do so because a pre-existing meme format. The first person to ever upvote dat boi upvoted a meme literally pulled from the ether by sheer human creativity and willpower. Dat boi is evidence that humans can stare into the meaningless void of eternity and force their own meaning onto to it. I will always upvote dat boi, o shit waddup!
That meme was the exact moment I realized I had become old. I generally kept on top of them pretty well up until that point. I think I was away on a camping trip or something, and when I came back that meme was everywhere, I just didn't get it and to this day it leaves me a little baffled.
You the man now, dog
At least I'm not the only fossil here.
Rage comics.
In another dimension, we exchanged wojaks for rage comics again.
It's part of what brought me to Reddit 12 years ago. It was an interesting time
Someone set us up the bomb
You have no chance to survive make your time
What you say?
Bad Luck Brian
Not quite the same, but kinda similar: Nyan cat, my beloved
@DreamerOfImprobableDreams @zephyr yeeeesssss! Jeez just looking at the thumbnail makes the song start going on repeat in my brain. Thanks for occupying the rest of my afternoon loll
while you were sipping sunshine
i was building walls.
I was always rather fond of the orly owl.
If you See it you shit bricks.
Was like where is waldo for teens
I’ll also add the Clock Crew from the old Newgrounds.
Captcha comics and especially Inglip
copious amounts of ketamine in my 2001 Honda civic I do
Wanted for hate crimes in 37 countries I am
Harry Potter Puppet Pals (You don't need to be a fan of the books or even know anything about them to appreciate this true piece of cinematic genius)
My roflcopter goes soi soi soi soi
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math. Love the quote, love the picture.
Forever alone, troll and fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu comics
Guess which one this was:
Shit stain on the toilet
Blast it with piss
Foul Bachelor Frog?
The old 4chan comics from the late 00s. Some by angled blue.
I was always a big fan of FTFY
I love that "It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out" is now an older meme, sir, but it checks out
Le me
And everybody say Yatta!
Clicking link revealed a pre liked video and a blast from the past.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Such a happy, energetic and yet silly song.
On kbin media links auto load, so no need to click links etc. I'm not sure how other clients / apps display them. I find it handy.
The 🅱️ emoji.
This patient who popped up on reddit several years ago, suffering acute plasticitis and shitty hospital food.