All the colorschemes
All the colorschemes
All the colorschemes
Can you please share your bash prompt?
reset="\[\e[m\]" blue="\[\e[00;34m\]" purple="\[\e[00;35m\]" cyan="\[\e[00;36m\]" yellow="\[\e[00;33m\]" blink_yellow="\[\e[05;33m\]" first_line="${reset}ââ[${blue}\u${reset}]-[${cyan}\h${reset}]-[${yellow}\w${reset}]" second_line="\nââ[${blink_yellow}\$${reset}] " if [ -f /usr/share/git/ ]; then source /usr/share/git/ GIT_PS1_SHOWCOLORHINTS=1 PROMPT_COMMAND="__git_ps1 '$first_line' '$second_line' ' $purpleî %s';" else # if the file doesn't exist create prompt directly with PS1 PS1="$first_line$second_line" fi unset reset blue purple cyan yellow blink_yellow first_line second_line
It doesn't have to be so long I just don't like when people put everything in one line and its impossible to understand.