Anti-Vax Cringtian
Anti-Vax Cringtian
Anti-Vax Cringtian
He then proceeded to put the unopened Bible back in the closet until Church next Christmas or Easter and reattached the mask to his very real CPAP machine. The libruls have been owned.
That's obvious. If he had ever opened the Bible, he might remember the section about containing infectious diseases (Leviticus 13). The Word of God says you're supposed to cover your face and social distance/quarantine to prevent outbreaks.
Why is this so fucking funny omg
For me it's because the Bible can't do shit to help him, but he still pretends it can by wrapping it around the actual life-saving device made by scientists.
This definitely looks like satire
I believe this isn't his first time huffing leather polish.
What’s with that bookmark? Looks like he hasn’t even got to Genesis yet.
He has the funny bits bookmarked
ngl, this shit is so funny lmao, i'm just imaging the thought process he had that led him to plugging an oxygen mask into a bible
My man defacing the scripture with his cpap machine.
ironically enough that is a pretty good mask
covers the mouth and nose and everything
It's a Philips Amara View, a CPAP mask that works really poorly with beards like that. He should consider swapping to an intranasal mask with a chinstrap. To own the libs.